"Chinese Support" is not available for CentOs7

After installing Centos 7 and setting up Chinese input (intelligent pinyin), Chinese cannot be input except Terminal, and switching the input method is invalid. The general solution on the Internet is groupinstall'chinese support' and other packages, but none of them can be found in centos7. Later, I found a way to get Chinese support:

yum groupinstall "Fonts"
yum groupinstall "Input Methods"

Encoding settings

## Temporarily effective
# export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"    #Set to Chinese
# export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"    #Set to English, I prefer to export LANG like this=C

## Permanently effective, edit/etc/sysconfig/i18n (preferably reboot)

## Or edit/etc/profile configuration file, add the following line
export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"
# Reload
. /etc/profile

## View the current character set
echo $LANG

Coding setting of remote terminal

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"Chinese Support" is not available for CentOs7
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