Centos7 activemq startup failure to solve the correct posture practice notes

Centos7 activemq startup failure to solve the correct posture practice notes###

I use centos7X64 minimal installation CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1708activemq5.15.10

Students who have not installed jdk, please move to the article of [centos7 correct posture for installing jdk8**]

Generally, it cannot be used because it is affected by the monitoring address. For example, the host name will be 192_168_50_86 for Ucloud and VM_0_9_centos for Tencent Cloud, which may cause problems. For specific errors, see the activemq.log log file in the MQ data directory.

I have practiced two ways to solve the problem, respectively:

  1. Modify listening address
  2. Modify server name

1. Modify the listening address:

In the activemq.xml under the MQ conf directory, change the default to (a total of 5 locations)

Start MQ, activemq status to view the status, running

Visit the background address: Everything is normal, (ip should be changed to the address of your server)

2. Modify server name:

hostname view hostname


We changed the hostname to 192-168-50-85

hostnamectl set-hostname 192-168-50-85

View the host name: hostname
We see that the host name has been modified, but it is not fully effective, let’s restart

shutdown -r now

View the host name: hostname
We see that the hostname modification has been fully effective
Start MQ, activemq status to view the status, running

Visit the background address: Everything is normal, (ip should be changed to the address of your server)

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