Technical Corner | Using Elastic Stack on CentOS 8: Elasticsearch/Kibana 7.8 Deployment and Authentication Configuration

**Author's note: **Huixiang technology corner "source production control" topic, will focus on the three directions of open source, localization, independent and controllable technology, with operating system, middleware, database, program application, etc. as the rough classification, update related The development trend of technology, the in-depth use of the core technology, and the systematic summary of the overall structure of the technology provide considerable information for learners of related technologies, and also provide personal synchronized learning and summary notes for readers.

This article briefly summarizes the use of Elasticsearch and Kibana in the Elastic Stack suite on CentOS 8. It also summarizes the deployment and authentication settings of Elasticsearch 7.8.0 and the supporting deployment of Kibana 7.8.0 in detail. In the future, regarding the use of Elastic Stack related packages on CentOS 8, series of articles on its usage summary and performance tuning will be updated successively, so stay tuned.

Introduction to Elastic Stack

When you mention Elastic Stack, you have to mention ELK. ELK is the abbreviation of three open source software, namely: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, they are all open source software. But now there is also a new Beats, which is a lightweight log collection and processing tool (Agent). Beats occupies less resources and is suitable for collecting logs on various servers and transmitting them to Logstash. The official also recommends this tool. The original ELK Stack members added the Beats tool, so it has been renamed Elastic Stack.

Elastic Stack includes:

Deployment of Elasticsearch 7.8

Method 1: YUM method to install

Enter the following command to download and install the public signature certificate:

rpm --import

Create a new file elasticsearch.repo under the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/, and fill in the file content as follows:

[ elasticsearch]
name=Elasticsearch repository for7.x packages

After adding it, directly execute yum -y install --enablerepo=elasticsearch elasticsearch to install it.

Method 2: Download the RPM package and install manually

Execute the following command to install:

shasum -a 512-c elasticsearch-7.8.0-x86_64.rpm.sha512;
rpm --install elasticsearch-7.8.0-x86_64.rpm;

**Note: **If shasum prompts that the command cannot be found, please enter yum -y install perl-Digest-SHA to install dependencies.

**Tip: **Since the Elastic website is a foreign country, the download speed is extremely slow. You can choose a domestic mirror address, such as the mirror of Huawei Cloud. The download address:

The installation is complete, the system prompts as follows:

### NOT starting on installation, please execute the following statements to configure elasticsearch service to start automatically using systemd
 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
 sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
### You can start elasticsearch service by executing
 sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service
Created elasticsearch keystore in/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.keystore
[ /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/elasticsearch.conf:1] Line references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/elasticsearch → /run/elasticsearch; please update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file accordingly.

Method 3: Source code installation

If you have more flexible requirements, you can download the Elasticsearch source code package from the official website for deployment. First, you need to create a user group:

groupadd -g 888 elasticsearch;
useradd -g elasticsearch -m -u 888 elasticsearch;

Then download it from the official website or mirror download address, and unzip it to the folder to be deployed:

tar -zxvf elasticsearch-7.8.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/share/;
mv /usr/share/elasticsearch-7.8.0//usr/share/elasticsearch;
chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch;

Elasticsearch 7.8 configuration

After the deployment is complete, we enter the configuration link. Before configuration, we need to know the location of the process file and the configuration file. Install through the above methods one and two, the process file path is in /usr/share/elasticsearch, and the configuration file path is in /etc/elasticsearch. Through the above method three installation, the process file path is in the decompressed file path, such as /usr/share/elasticsearch given in the example, and the configuration file is in the config folder under the process file path.

There is a file called jvm.options under the configuration file path. Modify the two lines of parameters -Xms and -Xmx to adjust the initial heap size and maximum heap size of the jvm. The recommended value is 40%~50% of the operating system memory. Note: -Xms is the same as -Xmx. Example: If the virtual machine memory is 8G, you can set the following parameters:

- Xms4g
- Xmx4g


- Xms4096m
- Xmx4096m

There is a file called elasticsearch.yml under the configuration file path. Configure this file to start the cluster:

# Cluster name, uniform for all nodes in the cluster Elasticsearch-Cluster
# Current node name, customized but not allowed to be repeated in the cluster node-1
node.attr.rack: r1
# The data and log storage path below, please modify the path according to the actual situation
# Install through method one and two, the default path already exists, install through method three, please specify the existing path
# The current node's intranet IP address, although it can also be set to but it is recommended to follow this setting
# Addresses of all nodes in the cluster
# The name of all nodes in the cluster should be the same as the node.consistent name

In addition, you need to do some preparatory work before starting Elasticsearch 7.8. First edit the file /etc/security/limits.conf and add the following configuration at the end:

elasticsearch      soft    nofile  100000
elasticsearch      hard    nofile  100000
elasticsearch      soft    memlock unlimited
elasticsearch      hard    memlock unlimited
elasticsearch      soft    nproc   4096
elasticsearch      hard    nproc   4096

Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf, adjust or add the following configuration according to the existing content in the file:


After adding, execute sysctl -p.

Finally, modify the /etc/hosts file to add the Elasticsearch cluster host name, for example: node-  node-  node-3

Elasticsearch has built-in Java, so there is no need to deploy Java again at the system layer.

It can be started after the configuration is completed. Method one and two can be started and stopped by the systemctl command:

systemctl start elasticsearch;
systemctl stop elasticsearch;
systemctl restart elasticsearch;

If you need to turn on self-start at boot, you can turn it on with the following command:

systemctl daemon-reload;
systemctl enable elasticsearch;

Method 3 can be started and stopped by the following command:

# start up
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch -d -p /usr/share/elasticsearch/pid;
# stop
esid=$(cat /usr/share/elasticsearch/pid && echo);
kill -SIGTERM $esid;

After startup, you can execute the following commands to check whether the startup log, cluster node discovery, and master node election are normal:

# Please note the path: 1.Search according to the log storage path set by the configuration file; 2.Enter the log file name according to the actual cluster name
tail -f /var/logs/elasticsearch/Elasticsearch-Cluster.log;
# After installing according to methods one and two, you can also view the Elasticsearch process through the following commands
systemctl status elasticsearch;

You can also directly obtain the cluster health check information returned by Elasticsearch through the following URL browser or curl command access:

curl -XGET http://node-1:9200/_cluster/health?pretty

You can also directly access the 9200 port of the machine in the browser, and the following page can be displayed:

The default access page of port 9200 after Elasticsearch is successfully started

Elasticsearch 7.8 authentication function configuration

After Elasticsearch is started by default, the 9200 port can be accessed at will through the set Host IP, which is very insecure. In order to ensure a certain degree of security, we can modify the http.port field in the elasticsearch.yml file, modify the default port, and increase access to which account and secret authentication is required.

Since Elasticsearch 6.8, Elastic has made some X-Pack paid functions free and open for use, including basic authentication functions. Therefore, after Elasticsearch 6.8, you can directly use Elasticsearch's own authentication functions. In the previous version, an open source plug-in called elasticsearch-http-basic was required, and the author’s warehouse address: However, the version of this warehouse is now closed and no longer updated, so it is recommended that if you need to use Elasticsearch, do not use Elasticsearch versions before 6.8.

Next, we configure the authentication function of Elasticsearch 7.8. First, in a cluster node, enter the process file path and execute the following command to create a certificate authority:

bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca;

Just press Enter all the way, there is a password for setting CA in the middle, no need to set. After completion, the file elastic-stack-ca.p12 will be generated in the process file path directory. Then continue to execute the following commands on the cluster node where the certificate authority has been generated to create a certificate and private key:

bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12;

Just press Enter all the way, there is a password for setting the certificate, no need to set. After completion, the file elastic-certificates.p12 will be generated in the process file path directory. After the generation is complete, copy the file to the same path of other machines, and all machines in the cluster modify the group of the two files:

chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch *.p12;

All machines in the cluster establish soft connections to the configuration file path. The example is as follows. Please modify the specific path to the actual path:

ln -s /usr/share/elasticsearch/elastic-certificates.p12 /etc/elasticsearch/elastic-certificates.p12;
ln -s /usr/share/elasticsearch/elastic-stack-ca.p12 /etc/elasticsearch/elastic-stack-ca.p12;

Configure elasticsearch.yml:

# Set the cluster mutual trust communication port 9300
http.cors.allow-headers: Authorization
# Open X-Pack's safety certification
# Open X-Pack's mutual trust security certification in the cluster must be opened in synchronization with the above security certification switch
# Authentication mode is certificate mode certificate
# Configure certification path elastic-certificates.p12 elastic-certificates.p12
# If you need to enable SSL/TLS access ES cluster through HTTPS, and then add the following configuration elastic-certificates.p12 elastic-certificates.p12 none

Modify the configuration of the discovery.seed_hosts field to add the cluster mutual trust communication port 9300, for example:


After completing the configuration, restart the Elasticsearch process. Then set the built-in user authentication password. In a cluster node, enter the process file path and execute the following command:

bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive;

Here to create a password for the built-in users in Elasticsearch, the built-in users are:

After completing this step, you need to use the HTTP/HTTPS protocol to access through the port 9200. Enter the account password to access. curl is also available, the command test example is as follows, for example, the user name is elastic and the password is ESabc+2333:

curl -uelastic:ESabc+2333-XGET http://node-1:9200/_cluster/health?pretty

Kibana deployment and configuration

The deployment configuration of Kibana is relatively simple. The installation method is similar to Elasticsearch. You can choose the specific method. This section will not go into details. Use method two, execute the following command to install:

shasum -a 512 kibana-7.8.0-x86_64.rpm;
rpm --install kibana-7.8.0-x86_64.rpm;

**Note: **If shasum prompts that the command cannot be found, please enter yum -y install perl-Digest-SHA to install dependencies.

**Tip: **Since the Elastic website is a foreign country and the download speed is extremely slow, you can choose a domestic mirror address, such as the mirror of Huawei Cloud. Download address:

After installing in the above way, the process file path is in /usr/share/kibana, and the configuration file path is in /etc/kibana.

Modify the /etc/kibana/kibana.yml file to the following configuration:

# Set the Elasticsearch cluster address to facilitate Kibana for disaster recovery management
# Internationalization settings, set to Chinese
# Open X-Pack's safety certification
# Elasticsearch built-in account password
elasticsearch.password:"ESabc+2333" #Password of the kibana account when setting the built-in account password
# Kibana SSL/TLS access is enabled, if SSL is not required/TLS, can be ignored
server.ssl.clientAuthentication: none
# Elasticsearch such as turning on SSL/TLS access, you need to configure the following two rules
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: certificate

The SSL/TLS authentication in the above Kibana configuration is a bit of an episode that needs to be explained. Since Kibana does not currently support the encryption authentication method of .p12 files, if there is currently no SSL/TLS security agency approved issuance certificate, SSL/TLS still needs to be enabled , We need to use the configuration after converting the .p12 file. The specific operations are as follows:

openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-certificates.p12 -nocerts -nodes > kibana-certificates.key
openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-certificates.p12 -clcerts -nokeys > kibana-certificates.cer
openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-certificates.p12 -cacerts -nokeys -chain > kibana-certificates-ca.cer

Place the generated files in a suitable path. For example, the above configuration places these files in the /etc/kibana/ path, and then you can call them.

**Note: **It is still recommended to configure Kibana's SSL/TLS option after applying for a recognized issuance certificate from a security agency using a domain name, because self-signed certificate browsers are not considered secure and still have security risks. Please pay attention.

It can be started after the configuration is completed, and can be started and stopped by the systemctl command:

systemctl start kibana;
systemctl stop kibana;
systemctl restart kibana;

If you need to turn on self-start at boot, you can turn it on with the following command:

systemctl daemon-reload;
systemctl enable kibana;

You can access Kibana by entering the built-in user after startup, for example, the user name is elastic and the password is ESabc+2333:

Kibana login interface

Kibana login interface

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