[Sharp Tools]-Ubuntu 18.04 system changed to Manjaro

Ubuntu 16.04 -> Ubuntu 18.04 -> Manjaro computer system upgrade version.

In the process of using Ubuntu 18.04, I found that the computer (ThinkPad T430) sometimes stuck inexplicably, once Chrome was turned on, the CPU usage was inexplicably high.

I always wanted to try to install Arch, but the installation steps were cumbersome at first, until Manjaro appeared:

Manjaro is a user-friendly Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. In the Linux community, Arch Linux is indeed an extremely fast, powerful, and lightweight distribution that provides the latest and most complete software. However, Arch Linux is aimed at advanced users, and it is generally believed that people who lack technical expertise or impatients cannot play Arch Linux.

Manjaro is jointly developed by enthusiasts from Austria, France and Germany, and provides all the advantages of the Arch Linux operating system while focusing on user-friendliness and usability. Manjaro provides 32-bit and 64-bit versions, suitable for novice and experienced Linux users.

Manjaro has many of the same features as Arch, including:

However, Manjaro has some additional features of its own, including:

Most used software######

Third-party plug-in download link: Chrome plug-in extension download network / plug-in network

Commonly used software Function Notes
Shutter Screenshot Tool
Typora Text Editor
Xmind Mind Map
Draw.io Drawing
Audacity Audio Editing
Nutstore File Backup Nut Cloud
Sendanywhere File Transfer
Dingding Chat
PomoDoneApp Tomato Timing
Okular pdfRead

Software Development Function Remarks
VSCode Editor
SecureCRT Serial port Configuration file backup
Beyond Compare File Comparison
VirtualBox Virtual Machine
vim Editor
zsh Terminal
Guake Drop-down terminal

//Copy the backup file to the specified path
cp vimrc   ~/.vimrc 
cp vim -r ~/.vim

Reference vim install bundle and use
Configure the skin add molokai.vim color matching installation in vim

sudo pacman -S albert
Set the shortcut keys in the settings, boot up, and check application and files in the extension.

Install and use Albert

$ sudo pacman -S fcitx-im #Install fcitx select install all
$ sudo pacman -S fcitx-configtool #fcitx configuration interface
$ sudo pacman -S fcitx-sogoupinyin #Install sogoupinyin

$ sudo vim ~/.xprofile #Open edit.xprofile file
# Add the following two lines of code to the file
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"

After installing Sogou input method in the usual way, but unable to input Chinese, please refer to manjaro to install Sogou Pinyin input method to solve it, mainly because fcitx-qt4 is not installed

Refer to manjaro install virtualbox tutorial

//View kernel version[-pc ~]$ uname -r
5.4.15- 2- MANJARO
[- pc ~]$ sudo pacman -S virtualbox
resolving dependencies...:: There are 12 providers available for VIRTUALBOX-HOST-MODULES::: Repository extra
 1) linux316-virtualbox-host-modules  2) linux414-virtualbox-host-modules
 3) linux419-virtualbox-host-modules  4) linux44-virtualbox-host-modules
 5) linux49-virtualbox-host-modules  6) linux53-virtualbox-host-modules
 7) linux54-virtualbox-host-modules  8) linux55-virtualbox-host-modules
:: Repository community
 9) linux419-rt-virtualbox-host-modules
 10) linux54-rt-virtualbox-host-modules  11) virtualbox-host-dkms
:: Repository archlinuxcn
 12) virtualbox-host-modules-lily
//Select the specified version
Enter a number(default=1):7
looking for conflicting packages...

VirtualBox installs VBoxGuestAdditions enhancementsVirtualbox seamlessly integrates linux and windows dual systems // Seamless mode is very practical

Docker Documentation official documentation, the most complete and most suitable
If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider adding your user to the “docker” group with something like:

sudo usermod -aG docker your-user

System Settings

Desktop level, start the gnome-tweak tool to see the startup items, just add it. Refer to Add to startup items under ArchLinux


Manjaro 18.1 (KDE) installation diagramManjaro common configuration method after installationMost popular Linux distribution, Manjaro toss full record (Super long and detailed)Life is short, I use Manjaromanjaro first experienceManjaro installation experience summary[ Sharp article]-Upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 system tools Collection)

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