Day20.python operation database

Python operation MySQL module

mysql-connector-python is officially provided by MySQL

PyMySQL supports python2 and python3

MySQLdb only supports python2

**This course requires: install MySQL; change the account password in the case to your own (the account password in the case is root); **

Install PyMySQL module

Command line: pip install pymysql

Import PyMySQL module

import pymysql

Get connected object

conn=pymysql.connect(host=' ',user=' ',password=' ',database=' ',charset='utf-8')

Get the cursor object to CRUD the data through the cursor c

Commit transaction


Close cursor


Close connection


Detailed case

Create database

''' Create database'''import pymysql
# Open the database connection, no need to specify the database, because the database needs to be created
conn = pymysql.connect('localhost',user ="root",passwd ="root")
# Get cursor
# Create pythonBD database
cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS pythonDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;')
cursor.close()#Close the cursor first
conn.close()#Close the database connection
print('Create pythonBD database successfully')

Create table

import pymysql
# Open database connection
conn = pymysql.connect('localhost',user ="root",passwd ="root",db ="myemployees")
# Get cursor

# Create user table
cursor.execute('drop table if exists user')
sql="""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user`(`id`int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name`varchar(255) NOT NULL,`age`int(11) NOT NULL,

cursor.close()#Close the cursor first
conn.close()#Close the database connection
print('Create data table successfully')

Insert a single piece of data in the table

''' Insert a single data'''import pymysql
# Open the database connection without specifying the database

cur=conn.cursor()#Get cursor

# Create user table
cur.execute('drop table if exists user')
sql="""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user`(`id`int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name`varchar(255) NOT NULL,`age`int(11) NOT NULL,


insert=cur.execute("insert into user values(1,'tom',18)")print('The number of rows affected by the add statement:',insert)

# Another way to insert data, pass in the value through a string
sql="insert into user values(%s,%s,%s)"

conn.close()print('sql executed successfully')

Query data

''' fetchone'''import pymysql
# Open database connection
# Get cursor

cur.execute("select * from user;")while1:
 res=cur.fetchone()if res is None:
  # Indicates that the result set has been taken
conn.close()print('sql executed successfully')'''
(1,' tom',18)(3,'kongsh',20)
sql executed successfully


CRUD refers to the abbreviation of the initials of the words Add (Create), Read Query (Retrieve), Update (Update) and Delete (Delete) when doing calculation processing.

Two operations for addition, deletion and modification

Operation single: c.execute('SQL statement',(parameter value))

Multiple operations: c.executemany('SQL statement', (multiple parameter values))

Three operations to check

Take a single: c.fetchone()

Take multiple: fetchmany(size)

Take all: c.fetchall()

SQLite database###

SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-sufficient, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It is a zero-configuration database, which means that unlike other databases, you do not need to configure it in the system.

Just like other databases, the SQLite engine is not an independent process, and can be statically or dynamically connected according to application requirements. SQLite directly accesses its storage files.

type of data###

The SQLite data type is an attribute used to specify the data type of any object. Every column, every variable and expression in SQLite has an associated data type.

You can use these data types while creating the table. SQLite uses a more general dynamic type system. In SQLite, the data type of a value is related to the value itself, not to its container.

The main data types of SQLite are: NULL, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB

Python operation SQLite database###

Import module

import sqlite3  

Create/open database

When calling the connect function, specify the library name, if the specified database exists, open the database directly, if it does not exist, create a new one and open it again.

cx = sqlite3.connect("E:/test.db")  #Create a file here

You can also create a database in memory.

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

Database connection object

The object cx returned when opening the database is a database connection object, which can have the following operations:

  1. commit() - transaction commit
  2. rollback()-transaction rollback
  3. close()-close a database connection
  4. cursor() - create a cursor

Use cursor to query database

c = conn.cursor() #We need to use the cursor object SQL statement to query the database to obtain the query object.

The cursor object has the following operations:

  1. execute()-execute sql statement
  2. executemany--execute multiple sql statements
  3. close() - close the cursor
  4. fetchone()-fetch a record from the result and point the cursor to the next record
  5. fetchmany()-fetch multiple records from the result
  6. fetchall()-fetch all records from the result
  7. scroll() - cursor scroll

Create table

c.execute('''CREATE TABLE stocks(date text,trans text,symbol text,gty real,price real)''')

Insert a piece of data into the table

c.execute('''insert into stocks values('2016-01-05','BUY','RHAT',100,35.14)''')

The following is a complete case demonstration

Connect to the database

import sqlite3
# data storage name
db_name ="test.db"
# Table Name
table_name ="catalog"
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)

Open cursor


Build a table

sql ='create table '+ table_name +' (id varchar(20) primary key, pid integer, name varchar(10))'try:
 rs.execute(sql)print("Table built successfully")
except:print("Failed to build table")

Additions, deletions, modifications

# Increase: add three records

sql ="Insert into "+ table_name +" values ('001', 1, 'Zhang San')"try:
# Commit transaction
conn.commit()print("Inserted successfully")
except:print("Insertion failed")
sql ="Insert into "+ table_name +" values ('002', 2, 'Li Si')"try:
# Commit transaction
conn.commit()print("Inserted successfully")
except:print("Insertion failed")
sql ="Insert into "+ table_name +" values ('003', 3, 'Wang Wu')"try:
# Commit transaction
conn.commit()print("Inserted successfully")
except:print("Insertion failed")

# Delete: delete the record with pid equal to 3

sql ="Delete from "+ table_name +" where pid = 3"try:
 conn.commit()print("successfully deleted")
except:print("failed to delete")

# Change: Change the pid of the record with pid equal to 2 to 1

sql ="Update "+ table_name +" set pid = 1 where pid = 2"try:
 conn.commit()print("Successfully modified")
except:print("fail to edit")

# Check: Query all table names in the database

sql ="Select name From sqlite_master where type = 'table'"
res = rs.execute(sql)print(res.fetchall())

# Query all records in the table

sql ="Select * from "+ table_name
 res = rs.execute(sql)print(res.fetchall())

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