Ubuntu12.04 create eclipse launcher

Ubuntu 12.04 can not launcher Eclipse shortcut icon to the left Dash by default, it needs to be manually configured, the steps are as follows:

1 ) First, create and open ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop (if there is no applications folder or opt_eclipse.desktop file, please create it yourself)

gedit  ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop

2 ) Next, copy the following content to opt_eclipse.desktop, and modify the ..... configuration path in the middle according to your eclipse path

[ Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
Icon=** something like /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm **
Exec=** something like /opt/eclipse/eclipse **

My configuration diagram is as follows:

3 ) After saving, there are two ways to modify the access permissions of opt_eclipse.desktop file:

Method 1: chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop

Method 2: Enter the ~/.local/share/applications/ directory, right-click the opt_eclipse.desktop file, and select Properties -> Permissions -> Allow executing file as program (check it)

4 ) After checking it, opt_eclipse.desktop immediately becomes the eclipse icon, drag it to the dash launcher on the left, and the result is as follows:

Reference recommendation:

How to pin Eclipse to the Unity launcher?

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