Python segmentation sequence diagram visualization program

1. Cause##

Miss designer asked to quickly segment the sequence diagram

2. Directly upload the visual code##

#! /usr/bin/env python
# - *- coding: utf-8-*-
# @ Time :2020/11/1812:51 
# @ Author : ywy
# @ Platform:from tkinter.filedialog import*import windnd
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror,showinfo
from PIL import Image
def splitimage(src, rownum, colnum):
 src =src.strip()
 rownum =int(rownum)
 colnum =int(colnum)
 img =
 w, h = img.size
 if rownum <= h and colnum <= w:print('Original image info: %sx%s, %s, %s'%(w, h, img.format, img.mode))print('Start processing image cutting,Please wait...')

  s = os.path.split(src)
  fn = s[1].split('.')
  basename = fn[0]
  ext = fn[-1]
  if not  os.path.exists(dstpath):
  num =0
  rowheight = h // rownum
  colwidth = w // colnumfor r inrange(rownum):for c inrange(colnum):
    box =(c * colwidth, r * rowheight,(c +1)* colwidth,(r +1)* rowheight)
    img.crop(box).save(os.path.join(dstpath, f'{basename}_{num}.{ext}'), ext)
    num = num +1print('After the picture is cut, a total of generated%s small pictures.'% num)return f'After the picture is cut, a total of generated{num}A small picture is stored in the current program directory{dstpath}Under folder'else:print('Illegal row and column cutting parameters!')return'Illegal row and column cutting parameters!'

root_1 =Tk()
rownum =StringVar()
colnum =StringVar()
z =StringVar()
root_1.title('Picture cutting')

count =Label(root_1, text='Number of cutting rows')
count.grid(row=0, column=0)
enter_1 =Entry(root_1, state='normal', textvariable=rownum,bd=2,width=50)
enter_1.grid(row=0, column=1)

count =Label(root_1, text='Number of cutting columns')
count.grid(row=1, column=0)
enter_2 =Entry(root_1, state='normal', textvariable=colnum,bd=2,width=50)
enter_2.grid(row=1, column=1)

def dragged_files(files):
 src =files[0].decode('gbk')
 rownum = enter_1.get()
 colnum = enter_2.get()print(src,rownum,colnum)if rownum and colnum:showinfo('prompt',splitimage(src,rownum,colnum))else:showerror('错误prompt','The number of cutting rows and the number of cutting columns must have values')

count =Label(root_1, text='Drag and drop your picture to the window')
count.grid(row=2, column=0)


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