Python arithmetic sequence calculation method

Calculation of the last term of the arithmetic sequence

Subject content:

Given the first two terms a1 and a2 of an arithmetic sequence, find the nth term

You can use the following statement to achieve the input of a non-negative integer n:


**Input format: **

Three lines, containing three integers a1, a2, n

**Output format: **

An integer, the value of the nth term

Input sample:


**Sample output: **


My answer

*Idea 1: ** Arithmetic sequence, first find the difference m, there are many ways to calculate the value of the nth term, I use this a1 + m(n-1)

a1 =int(input())
a2 =int(input())
m = a2 - a1
n =int(input())
N = a1 + m*(n-1)print(N)

**Idea 2: **Let's toss the computer, let the computer use the dumb method, start counting from a1, and calculate n-1 times

a1 =int(input())
a2 =int(input())
n =int(input())
m = a2 - a1
for i inrange(n-1):
 a1 += m

Supplementary knowledge: python judgment arithmetic sequence

Not much nonsense, let's just look at the code!

import sys
n =int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
s = sys.stdin.readline()
s =list(map(int, s.split(' ')))print(n)print(s)for i inrange(len(s)-1):for j inrange(i+1,len(s)):if s[i]= s[j]:
  s[i], s[j]= s[j], s[i]for j inrange(1,len(s)-1):if s[j]- s[j-1]== s[j+1]- s[j]:
 flag =1else:
 flag =0if flag ==1:print('Possible')else:print('Impossible')

The calculation method of the last item of the above python arithmetic sequence is all the content shared by the editor, I hope to give you a reference.

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