python ftp upload files and folders

Reference link: Python FTP

Where session = session = ftplib.FTP(host=”,user=”,passwd=”)

def upload_dir(path_source, session, target_dir=None):
 files = os.listdir(path_source)
 # Remember which working directory you were in
 last_dir = os.path.abspath('.')
 # Then switch to the target working directory
 os.chdir(path_source)if target_dir:
  current_dir = session.pwd()try:
  except Exception:
   session.cwd(os.path.join(current_dir, target_dir))for file_name in files:
  current_dir = session.pwd()if os.path.isfile(path_source + r'/{}'.format(file_name)):upload_file(path_source, file_name, session)
  elif os.path.isdir(path_source + r'/{}'.format(file_name)):
   current_dir = session.pwd()try:
   session.cwd("%s/%s"%(current_dir, file_name))upload_dir(path_source + r'/{}'.format(file_name), session)
  # The previous path may have changed, and you need to revert to the previous path
def upload_file(path, file_name, session, target_dir=None, callback=None):
 # Record the current ftp path
 cur_dir = session.pwd()if target_dir:try:
   session.cwd(os.path.join(cur_dir, target_dir))print("path:%s \r\n\t   file_name:%s"%(path, file_name))
 file =open(os.path.join(path, file_name),'rb')  # file to send
 session.storbinary('STOR %s'% file_name, file, callback = callback)  # send the file
 file.close()  # close file

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