[Sharp Tools]-Try Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) Focal Fossa

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apt replace download source##

sogou Input##

Sogou input method under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, this solution has not been tried successfully.

Finally use the default Chinese input method [Ubuntu20.04 install Chinese input method] (https://blog.csdn.net/f_zongjian/article/details/105359583?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromBaidu-1&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromBaidu-1)

sudo apt remove fcitx
sudo apt install ibus-libpinyin 
sudo apt install ibus-clutter

After the system reboot

When I checked the information, I found that [Baidu Input Method] (https://srf.baidu.com/site/guanwang_linux/index.html) also has a Linux version, which supports Pinyin and Wubi input. In addition, it also supports English input mode, which can be set to input English by default in designated applications. To be tried


**Refer to the following article to set up **

Major changes

XMind Install

I understand how XMind can manage local files, so I downloaded it. Reference XMind 2020 (10.1.3) all platforms

Ventoy all-in-one startup disk production##

This tool is very useful. Generally, with tools such as Rufus, a U disk can only be made into a boot disk/installation disk of a system. If you want to add another system, you have to re-burn and format it every time. It takes time. Recently, I discovered a "all-in-one boot disk" production tool, Ventoy, which can be used simply by copying an iso file.

Ventoy is an open source and free all-in-one system installation disk/boot disk creation tool, which supports almost all of the Windows family and Linux Mainstream release. Its biggest advantage is that you can integrate N multiple different types of operating system installation disks (such as Windows, WinPE, Linux) in a U disk, which can be booted and installed through the menu.

Ventoy all-in-one boot disk creation tool artifact-install multiple system Win/PE/Linux images in a U disk


Shell-Tool is a small tool that automates the installation of software under Ubuntu. The purpose of writing this tool is to automate tedious tasks. Every time the system is reinstalled before, Ubuntu installation software/configuration software always takes a long time Time, at this time, I think I can automate the installation through scripts, so that every tedious process becomes an automation. The project is currently open source and Gitee, and you are welcome to make suggestions.

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