CentOS 8 officially released

The article is reproduced from the OSCHINA community [http://www.oschina.net] The address of this article: https://www.oschina.net/news/110111/centos-8-released

CentOS 8 is officially released! ! ! CentOS fully complies with Red Hat's redistribution policy and strives to be fully functionally compatible with upstream products. CentOS's modifications to components are mainly to remove Red Hat's trademarks and artwork.

This version also includes the brand new CentOS Streams, Centos Stream is a rolling Linux distribution, which exists between the upstream development of Fedora Linux and the downstream development of RHEL. You can think of CentOS Streams as a version to experience the latest Red Hat Linux features without having to wait too long.

The main changes of CentOS 8 are the same as RedHat Enterprise Linux 8. Based on Fedora 28 and kernel version 4.18, it provides users with a stable, secure and consistent foundation, across hybrid cloud deployments, and supports traditional and emerging workloads. tool. Highlights of this release include:


For a more detailed introduction, please see Chapter 3, Distribution of content in RHEL 8.

Software Management

For details, please see Section 5.1.4, "Software management"

Shell and command line tools

For details, please see Section 5.1.6, “Shells and command-line tools”

Dynamic programming language, web and database server####

For details, please see Section 5.1.7, "Dynamic programming languages, web and database servers"

Desktop environment####

For details, please see Section 5.1.8, “Desktop”

Setup and mirror creation

For details, please see Section 5.1.2, "Installer and image creation".


For details, please see Section 5.3.1, “Kernel”

File system and storage

For details, please see Section 5.1.12, "File systems and storage".


The internet####

For detailed network features, please see Section 5.1.14, "Networking".


For details, please see Section 5.1.16, “Virtualization”

Compiler and development tools

High availability and cluster

Relevant information####

CentOS 8 official release notes:


Please see the complete RedHat 8 release notes


CentOS 8 download: https://centos.org/download/

Domestic mirror download: http://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn/centos/

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