Notes on installing pptp server under CentOS 7 ok

Main configuration steps#

1. Check system support before installation###

a. Check whether the system supports PPTP before installation

modprobe ppp-compress-18&& echo success

Should output: success

yum install kernel-devel

b. Whether to enable TUN/TAP

cat /dev/net/tun

It should output: cat: /dev/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state

c. Whether to open ppp

cat /dev/ppp

It should output: cat: /dev/ppp: No such device or address

If the environment does not meet the above three conditions, it means that pptp is probably not supported. Exception: Linode's xen and kvm servers also support pptp. It may be that the linode kernel is customized, not an external ko module, which is inconsistent with the original CentOS.

2. Install necessary packages###

a. First install epel source

yum install epel-release

b. Install pptp related packages

yum install ppp pptpd net-tools iptables-services

3. Modify related configuration files###

a. The main configuration file /etc/pptpd.conf

Add the following two lines at the end, which are the virtual network segment gateway of the pptp service and the address range assigned to the client.


b. pptpd configuration file /etc/ppp/options.pptpd, add two lines at the end, for the dns service for the virtual network segment, you can use the dns server address provided by the host.


If it is an overseas server such as linode, you can use Google’s public dns server address


c. Set the username and password of the pptpd V** server, edit the file /etc/ppp/chap-secrets, one set of accounts per line, the file defaults to a short description. An example of a line of account line is as follows, with 4 fields separated by spaces: the first and third fields are the user name and password, and the other two fields are asterisks

user1 *111222333*

d. The server allows ip forwarding kernel, edit the configuration file /etc/sysctl.conf, add the following line


4. Set to automatically start pptpd, iptables

ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/pptpd.service /etc/systemd/system/
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/iptables.service /etc/systemd/system/

5. iptables configuration network###

a. iptables configuration, configure virtual network segment NAT support. If the pptp client does not need to go online, you can ignore this step.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

, Note that eth0 is the device name of the local network card, modify it according to the actual situation; or set NAT according to the virtual network segment, as follows

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s eth0 -j MASQUERADE

b. Open pptp port 1723, allowing forwarding

iptables -I INPUT 7-m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 1723-j ACCEPT

c. Save iptables rules

service iptables save

6. Alibaba Cloud ECS may require several special settings###

a. If you connect to pptp under windows, if you encounter a 519 error, it is because the kernel module ip_nat_pptp is missing, and you can load it by running modprobe ip_nat_pptp, but it’s best to set it to automatically load at boot: create a new file /etc/modules-load.d/ip_nat_pptp.conf contains the following line


b. You may need to rebuild the ppp file:

rm /dev/ppp
mknod /dev/ppp c 1080

c. Alibaba Cloud machines also need to modify mtu: modify the file /etc/ppp/ip-up, and add a line before exit 0:

ifconfig $1 mtu 1500

d. The security zone in the Alibaba Cloud console looks similar to firewall or iptables, and the corresponding ports should be opened.

7. Start the service, load related matching files, etc.###

sysctl -p
systemctl start pptpd

Or simply reboot to restart the machine

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