3 minutes to teach you to build gitea on Centos server

This article tells you how to build gitea on a Centos server and then create an account in gitea to upload the code

Before we start, briefly introduce gitea. This is a lightweight code hosting solution with open source code and suitable for building on your own server.

The first is to create a folder to store gitea, a blank folder can be created by the following command

cd ~``mkdir gitea

Then enter the folder you created

cd gitea

Download the latest gitea, you can find the latest software on this page https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/install-from-binary/

Use the following code to download the software in the folder

wget -O gitea https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/1.5.0/gitea-1.5.0-linux-amd64

You need to give permission before running the software

chmod +x gitea

Use the following command to run gitea, but this command will automatically close gitea when you log out. If you need to always open in the background, please see the following command

. /gitea web

Many times the problem arises because git is not installed well. You can install git in Centos through the following command. Note that the current user is an administrator user

yum install git

If it can run, just enter the server's ip and port 3000 to visit in the browser, my server is I can use the link below to access

This link is available, everyone can use my server

Now is to make a basic setting, it is recommended to use Sqlite so that no configuration is required

Click register after configuration, the first registered user is the administrator

If you need to make gitea run in the background, you can use the following command

nohup ./gitea web &

In this way, log out and run gitea in the background. You can access your own server in many places and you can use the built gitea. In addition, gitea can set up many private projects, so that you can put some undisclosed projects on the server

But the security of gitea is not very good, so don't put your important projects on public servers.

This article will be updated frequently, please read the original text: https://lindexi.gitee.io/post/3%E5%88%86%E9%92%9F%E6%95%99%E4%BD%A0%E6%90%AD%E5%BB%BA-gitea-%E5%9C%A8-Centos-%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E5%99%A8.html to avoid the misleading of outdated false knowledge and have a better reading experience.

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