Ubuntu quick screenshot

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Write in front:

**The screenshots of this caiji in Win10 system are all based on QQ, open the chat window (hide the chat window when setting the screenshot), Ctrl+Alt+A can take the area screenshot. **

**So here comes the problem! There is no QQ in the Linux system. How can I take a screenshot? **

Screenshot of Ubuntu system:

**Ctrl+Alt+T opens a terminal window and enters gnome-screenshot to take a full-screen screenshot. Dell can quickly take a full-screen screenshot by pressing the PrtScr key. **


**Enter gnome-screenshot -a to take a screenshot of the area. Press Esc to cancel the screenshot. **

gnome-screenshot -a      

Shortcut key setting:

**Open the system settings, select the device in the left menu bar, then select the keyboard, add custom shortcut keys, as shown in the figure. **

**The Ubuntu shortcut screenshot is now set up! **

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