Python knowledge points

Python syntax

# The shallow copy operation will only copy the first level of the object being copied, and for the deeper level, it just copies its reference, as in the following example`a[2]`
# with`lst[2]`These two objects are the second layer. In fact, after the shallow copy, these two objects are still one object. Deep copy will be copied completely
# All hierarchical objects of the shell object are a true copy.
>>> from copy import copy, deepcopy
>>> lst =[1,2,[3,4]]>>> a, b =copy(lst),deepcopy(lst)>>> a,b([1,2,[3,4]],[1,2,[3,4]])>>>id(lst[2]),id(a[2]),id(b[2])(139842737414224,139842737414224,139842737414584)>>> lst[0]=10>>> a
[1,2,[3,4]]>>> b
[1,2,[3,4]]>>> lst[2][0]='test'>>> lst
[10,2,[' test',4]]>>> a
[1,2,[' test',4]]>>> b
>>> def foo(a, b=[1,2]):print(b)
  b.append(a)print(b)>>> val =4>>>foo(val)
# [1,2]
# [1,2,4]>>> foo(val)
# [1,2,4]
# [1,2,4,4]
# Here you can see that the second time the function is executed, the value of the default parameter b has become`[1, 2, 4]`The reason is that the default parameter is only in the first
# It will be initialized when executed once, and will be used by default later**This object after initialization(Quote)**, But here b is a mutable object,
# The added element is still the previous object, so the reference has not changed, but the value has changed.

Data structure, algorithm#

# coding: utf-8from collections import deque

classBNode:"""Binary Tree Node"""

 def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
  self.value = value
  self.left = left
  self.right = right

def level_traverse(binary_tree):"""Hierarchical traversal binary tree"""
 stack =deque([binary_tree])while stack:
  top = stack.popleft()print(top.value)if top.left:
   stack.append(top.left)if top.right:
   stack.append(top.right)if __name__ =="__main__":
 b_tree =BNode(1,BNode(2,BNode(4,BNode(5,BNode(7)))),BNode(3,BNode(6, right=BNode(8))))level_traverse(b_tree)
# There are V-type and Y-type. If they cross, the last node must be the same, so the reverse traversal is performed directly from the last node.
# Reverse singly linked list
def reverse_single_link_lst(link_lst):if not link_lst:return link_lst
 pre = link_lst
 cur = = None
 while cur:
  tmp = = pre
  pre = cur
  cur = tmp
 return pre

# Find intersection
def point(node_a, node_b):if node_a is None or node_b is None:return None
 next_a, next_b = node_a, node_b
 while next_a or next_b:if next_a.val == next_b.val:if and and( ==
    next_a, next_b =,
    continuereturn next_a.val
  next_a, next_b =,
 return None

# Construct a singly linked list
 def __init__(self, value, next=None):
  self.val = value = next

a =ListNode(1,ListNode(2,ListNode(3,ListNode(4,ListNode(5)))))
b =ListNode(7,ListNode(9,ListNode(4,ListNode(5))))

ra =reverse_single_link_lst(a)
rb =reverse_single_link_lst(b)point(ra, rb)
# output:
# 4
# Quick sort, lz was more complicated to write at the time, but it was the most common way of writing (the tension caused a few small bugs), as follows
def quick_sort(lst, start, stop):if start < stop:
  i, j, x = start, stop, lst[start]while i < j:while(i < j)and(lst[j]> x):
    j -=1if(i < j):
    lst[i]= lst[j]
    i +=1while(i < j)and(lst[i]< x):
    i +=1if(i < j):
    lst[j]= lst[i]
    j -=1
  lst[i]= x
  quick_sort(lst, start, i-1)quick_sort(lst, i+1, stop)return lst

After that, the interviewer akun gave a very concise notation, three-way multiplexing, the address is in Gist

def qsort(alist):"""
 quick sort(easy way, but more memory)
 test: python -m doctest
 >>> import math
 >>> import random
 >>> size =100>>> alist =[random.randint(0, size *10)for i inrange(size)]>>> qlist =qsort(alist)>>> alist.sort()>>> assert qlist == alist

 iflen(alist)<=1:return alist

 key = alist[0]
 left_list, middle_list, right_list =[],[],[][{i < key: left_list, i == key: middle_list, i > key: right_list}[
 ]. append(i)for i in alist]returnqsort(left_list)+ middle_list +qsort(right_list)


The internet#

operating system#

Programming questions#

# You can specify the number of retries until the function returns the correct result.
@ retry(retries=3)
def func(*args,**kw):try:
  # some action
  return True
 except:return False

It can be written like this,

from functools import wraps

def retry(retries=3):
 def timesf(func):
  @ wraps(func)
  def wrap(*args,**kw):
   i =0
   status = True
   while status and i < times:
    status =func(*args,**kw)
    i +=1return status
  return wrap
 return timesf

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