python excel multi-line merge

I. Overview#

There is a wenda1.xlsx file with the following content:

Need to merge the faq records into one line, the effect is as follows:

Note: For faq records, each line is spliced with ||.

Two, convert multiple lines to one line#

Create a new with the following content:

# !/usr/bin/python3
# - *- coding: utf-8-*-import xlrd

# Open the excel file and create a workbook object
rbook = xlrd.open_workbook('wenda1.xlsx')
# The sheets method returns a list of objects,[<xlrd.sheet.Sheet object at 0x103f147f0>]
# xls has 3 workbooks by default,Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3
rsheet = rbook.sheet_by_index(0)  #Fetch the first workbook

faq_tmp_dict ={}  #FAQ Temporary Dictionary
faq_formal_list =[] #FAQ official list
first_category_tag =""  #Class I identification
index =0 #index

# Cycle through all rows of the workbook
for row in rsheet.get_rows():
 index +=1

 first_category_row = row[0]  #The column of level 1 classification
 first_category_value = first_category_row.value  #Class 1 value
 if first_category_value !='Level 1 classification':  #Exclude the first row, these are column names
  if first_category_value:  #When the value of level 1 classification is not empty
   # Update the first level classification identification, use#connection
   first_category_tag ="%s#%s"%(first_category_value,index)
   faq_like_column = row[1]  #FAQ column of similar sentences
   faq_like_value = faq_like_column.value  #FAQ value of similar sentences
   # Update the temporary dictionary, there is no default value is an empty dictionary, otherwise it will be appended to the list
   # When the value of level 1 classification is empty
   faq_like_column = row[1]  #FAQ column of similar sentences
   faq_like_value = faq_like_column.value
# Handling temporary dictionaries
for i in faq_tmp_dict:
 tmp_dict ={}
 # First class classification, cutting#Number, take the first
 first_category = i.split('#')[0]
 # print("first_category",first_category)
 # faq all records, convert the faq list into one line, splicing with commas
 faq_like_all ="||".join(faq_tmp_dict[i])
 # print("faq_merge",faq_all)
 tmp_dict['first_category']= first_category
 tmp_dict['faq_like_all']= faq_like_all

Execution output:

{' Small talk#2':['not here?','Hello are you there?','are you there','anyone here.','Hello there?','Are you there? say something','Is the customer present?'],'Small talk#9':['Hello there','客服Hello there','Hello there,客服']}[{'first_category':'Small talk','faq_like_all':'not here?||Hello are you there?||are you there||anyone here.||Hello there?||Are you there? say something||Is the customer present?'},{'first_category':'Small talk','faq_like_all':'Hello there||客服Hello there||Hello there,客服'}]

It can be seen from the output above. Combine multiple lines into one line, and write the faq record into a dictionary. Then you can write to the new table.

Three, write a new form#

The complete code is as follows:

# !/usr/bin/python3
# - *- coding: utf-8-*-import xlrd

# Open the excel file and create a workbook object
rbook = xlrd.open_workbook('wenda1.xlsx')
# The sheets method returns a list of objects,[<xlrd.sheet.Sheet object at 0x103f147f0>]
# xls has 3 workbooks by default,Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3
rsheet = rbook.sheet_by_index(0)  #Fetch the first workbook

faq_tmp_dict ={}  #FAQ Temporary Dictionary
faq_formal_list =[] #FAQ official list
first_category_tag =""  #Class I identification
index =0 #index

# Cycle through all rows of the workbook
for row in rsheet.get_rows():
 index +=1

 first_category_row = row[0]  #The column of level 1 classification
 first_category_value = first_category_row.value  #Class 1 value
 if first_category_value !='Level 1 classification':  #Exclude the first row, these are column names
  if first_category_value:  #When the value of level 1 classification is not empty
   # Update the first level classification identification, use#connection
   first_category_tag ="%s#%s"%(first_category_value,index)
   faq_like_column = row[1]  #FAQ column of similar sentences
   faq_like_value = faq_like_column.value  #FAQ value of similar sentences
   # Update the temporary dictionary, there is no default value is an empty dictionary, otherwise it will be appended to the list
   # When the value of level 1 classification is empty
   faq_like_column = row[1]  #FAQ column of similar sentences
   faq_like_value = faq_like_column.value
# Handling temporary dictionaries
for i in faq_tmp_dict:
 tmp_dict ={}
 # First class classification, cutting#Number, take the first
 first_category = i.split('#')[0]
 # print("first_category",first_category)
 # faq all records, convert the faq list into one line, splicing with commas
 faq_like_all ="||".join(faq_tmp_dict[i])
 # print("faq_merge",faq_all)
 tmp_dict['first_category']= first_category
 tmp_dict['faq_like_all']= faq_like_all
 faq_formal_list.append(tmp_dict)print(faq_formal_list)import xlwt
import json
f = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet1 = f.add_sheet('Sheet1', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
row0 =["Level 1 classification","faq record"]

# Write the first line
for i inrange(0,len(row0)):
 sheet1.write(0, i, row0[i])

# # Load the json file
# withopen("tj.json",'r')as load_f:
#  load_dict = json.load(load_f)  #Deserialize files
num =0  #counter
max_length =0  #The maximum length
for i in faq_formal_list:
 num+=1  #Self-increasing 1

 faq_col = sheet1.col(1)  #Column where the faq record is located
 length =len(i['faq_like_all'])  #Calculated length
 # print("length",length)
 # Update maximum length
 if max_length < length:
  max_length = length

 # Set table width
 faq_col.width = max_length *20*20
 # Write library name
 sheet1.write(num,0, i['first_category'])
 # faq_like_str ="||".join(i['faq_like_all'])
 sheet1.write(num,1, i['faq_like_all'])

# Save to table'test1.xls')

Execute the code, it will generate a test1.xlsx.

Open the file, the effect is as follows:

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