Python string three formatted output

String formatted output is a very important basic grammar for python. Today, I will make a simple summary of the three formatted outputs, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

**Formatted output: The content is output according to certain format requirements. **

1. Use placeholder% output

Before the python2.6 version, the output format of the C language was used for the% format string.

Instructions for use:

print("format string"% variable)

Use tuple format for more than 2 variables:

print("format string"% (variable 1, variable 2))
Use% placeholders to indicate the position of the variable in the string.
The value passed in should correspond to the variable of the% placeholder one by one.
Among them, %s represents a string, %d represents an integer, and %f represents a decimal (the default is to retain 6 decimal places, and %.2f retains two decimal places). When there is a formatting flag, %% needs to be used to represent a percent sign.

age=12print("My name is %s,My age is %d"%(name,age))
# Output: My name is xiaoming,My age is 12

2. format format

format is a new method for formatting strings in python2.6. Compared with the% formatting method, it has the following advantages:

Instructions for use:

print("...{index}, ... , {index}, ...".format(Value 1,Value 2))
# index{}Empty, the default value is in order
print("...{key1}, ... , {key2}, ...".format(key1=value,key2=value))
age=12print('My name is {}, My age is {}'.format(name,age))print('My name is {0}, My age is {1}'.format(name,age))print('My name is {name}, My age is {age}'.format(name='xiaoming',age=12))
# Output: My name is xiaoming,My age is 12


1. Fill alignment

# Get the value first,Then set the padding format after the colon:{index:[Fill character][Alignment][width]}
# *<20 : Left-justified, a total of 20 characters, not enough*Number fill
# *>20 : Right justified, 20 characters in total, not enough*Number fill
# *^20 : Center display, a total of 20 characters, not enough*Number fill

2. Digit and base conversion

# Keep 2 significant figures
# Convert to binary
# Convert to octal
# Convert to hexadecimal

f-string format

F-strings was introduced in Python 3.6, which is not only easier to use than str.format, but also more efficient.

Instructions for use

f-string is the string with "f" before it, {} directly uses variables, expressions, etc.

#{} Use variables directly in
print(f'My name is {name},My age is {age}')
#{} Run expression
# Call Python built-in functions
# Use lambda anonymous functions: you can do complex numerical calculations
fun = lambda x : x+1print(f'{fun(age)}')
# Output
My name is xiaoming,My age is 126

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