Python interview questions: string concatenation

Python string test point in interview questions#

There are several ways to connect strings and strings

Answer: 5 kinds

    • Sign (plus sign)
  1. direct connection
  2. format
  3. Connect with a comma (,), redirect standard output
  4. join method
s ="hello""world"print(s)from io import StringIO
import sys
old_stdout = sys.stdout
result =StringIO()
sys.stdout = result
sys.stdout = old_stdout #Restore standard output
result_str = result.getvalue()print("Connect with comma: ", result_str)

How to connect between strings and non-strings#

    • number
  1. format
  2. Redirect

How to make the object output specific content when the string is connected with the object, such as Myclass

 def __str__(self):return'This is a Myclass Instance.'

my =Myclass()
s = s1 +str(my)print(s)

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