How to get started quickly with Python

This article wants to provide detailed quick start suggestions for friends who are new to python, and provide all the materials for free. Friends who want to learn python are welcome to read this article.

Suggestion one

Follow the teacher to avoid wasting too much time and taking too many detours in the process of thinking. But I don’t recommend spending a lot of money to register for classes. There are many free courses in the MOOC of Chinese universities (including more than a thousand courses provided by 985 universities). You can search for "python" keywords to find many related free learning materials If you are a student, there is no need to waste money. I didn’t say anything

When I first learned python, I searched for many python courses in the MOOC, and I found a teacher’s class that I thought was very good and I recommend it to everyone

I suggest that after reading a course, you can change to a few more teachers’ courses, because each teacher’s thinking will be different, and the focus will be different, and reading it a few times will deepen your comprehensive understanding of the python language. , This can be arranged according to the degree of sufficient learning time.

Recommendation two

Watch the video course while watching the paper tutorial (I recommend a few that I think are better)

Website Tutorial

Python3 Tutorial | Rookie Tutorial###

Python Tutorial-Liao Xuefeng's Official Website

Blog Tutorial


Book tutorial

Python programming: from entry to practice (Amazon 4.5 stars)

The first python introductory book for programmers (with pictures and texts)

Python programming from zero foundation to project practice (source code for exercises after class)

For students, on the way to and from school, during breaks, they can browse websites and blog tutorials. For children at work, you can also use the lunch break to browse websites and blogs, and use the off work time to read MOOCs and book tutorials.

Recommendation three

Be sure to write the code by yourself. If you don’t know how to do it at the beginning, you can type out other people’s code word by word, run it yourself, and understand the code from the results of the operation. Python programming from zero foundation to project practice has the source code of after-school exercises. You can type it out according to the source code, run it, and deepen your understanding.

Recommendation four

It is best to install an anaconda, this software integrates many python libraries, which can save beginners the trouble of installing libraries. After installing it, python, IPython, integrated development environment Spyder and many packages and modules are installed by default.

Recommendation 5

If beginners have many problems that cannot be solved by themselves, you can consult the teacher, or add some QQ groups, some groups will provide free help. You can also directly search for the content of the error on the csdn blog, and watch the technical blog to solve the current problem.

If you need the anaconda, python installation software and book materials mentioned in the article, please reply to the "Quick Start Python" in the official account, you can get the Baidu network disk link of all the materials for free.

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