Realize the tank battle game with Python | Dry Post

Author | Li Qiujian

Produced | AI Technology Base Camp (rgznai100)

"Tank Battle" is a multi-faceted plane shooting game launched by Namco Game Company of Japan on the Nintendo FC platform in 1985. The game is based on the theme of tank battles and defending the base, which is a strategic online category. At the same time, it is also one of the few games with a built-in level editor on the FC platform. Players can create their own unique levels and enhance the tank and base by obtaining some props. Today we will use python to restore the production of the following tank battle.

Preparation before experiment

First of all, the Python version we use is 3.6.5. The modules used are as follows:

Genie program

Among them, the wizard class is used as the basic program framework to call the main function, including bullet programs, food, home, brick walls, trees and other obstacles, and tanks. The specific program layout is as follows:

Among the bullet programs, you first need to establish the program, which includes basic information such as bullet position, direction, image loading, bullet speed, etc. The specific code is as follows:

''' bullet'''classBullet(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, bullet_image_paths, screensize, direction, position, border_len, is_stronger=False, speed=8,**kwargs):
 self.bullet_image_paths = bullet_image_paths
 self.width, self.height = screensize
 self.direction = direction
 self.position = position
 self.image = pygame.image.load(self.bullet_image_paths.get(direction))
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = position
 # Map edge width
 self.border_len = border_len
 # Is it an enhanced bullet(Enhanced version of broken iron wall)
 self.is_stronger = is_stronger
 # Bullet speed
 self.speed = speed
 ''' Move bullet,If the bullet goes out of bounds,Then returns True,Otherwise False'''
 def move(self):if self.direction =='up':
  self.rect = self.rect.move(0,-self.speed)
 elif self.direction =='down':
  self.rect = self.rect.move(0, self.speed)
 elif self.direction =='left':
  self.rect = self.rect.move(-self.speed,0)
 elif self.direction =='right':
  self.rect = self.rect.move(self.speed,0)if( < self.border_len)or(self.rect.bottom > self.height)or(self.rect.left < self.border_len)or(self.rect.right > self.width):return True
 return False

Food reward category, establish as basic rewards such as increasing life when the tank eats food:

''' Food.Used to get rewards'''classFoods(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, food_image_paths, screensize,**kwargs):
 pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) = random.choice(list(food_image_paths.keys()))
 self.image = pygame.image.load(food_image_paths.get(
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = random.randint(100, screensize[0]-100), random.randint(100, screensize[1]-100)
 self.exist_time =1000
 def update(self):
 self.exist_time -=1return True if self.exist_time <0else False

Tank family, establish to store basic information (including whether it is alive, image loading, location size, etc.).

''' Base Camp'''classHome(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, position, imagepaths,**kwargs):
 self.imagepaths = imagepaths
 self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths[0])
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = position
 self.alive = True
 ''' was destroyed'''
 def setDead(self):
 self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths[1])
 self.alive = False
 ''' Draw on the screen'''
 def draw(self, screen):
 screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)

For obstacles such as brick walls, create which is also the layout of the main position size:

''' Brick wall'''classBrick(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, position, imagepath,**kwargs):
 self.image = pygame.image.load(imagepath)
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = position
''' Iron wall'''classIron(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, position, imagepath,**kwargs):
 self.image = pygame.image.load(imagepath)
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = position
''' ice'''classIce(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, position, imagepath,**kwargs):
 self.image = pygame.Surface((24,24))for i inrange(2):for j inrange(2):
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = position
''' river'''classRiver(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, position, imagepath,**kwargs):
 self.image = pygame.Surface((24,24))for i inrange(2):for j inrange(2):
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = position
''' tree'''classTree(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, position, imagepath,**kwargs):
 self.image = pygame.Surface((24,24))for i inrange(2):for j inrange(2):
 self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
 self.rect.left, = position

For tanks, create to include information such as the number of tanks, the initial position, etc.:

''' Player tank'''classPlayerTank(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
 def __init__(self, name, player_tank_image_paths, position, border_len, screensize, direction='up', bullet_image_paths=None, protected_mask_path=None, boom_image_path=None,**kwargs):
 # Player 1/Player 2 = name
 # Tank picture path
 self.player_tank_image_paths = player_tank_image_paths.get(name)
 # Map edge width
 self.border_len = border_len
 # Screen size
 self.screensize = screensize
 # Initial tank orientation
 self.init_direction = direction
 # initial position
 self.init_position = position
 # Bullet pictures
 self.bullet_image_paths = bullet_image_paths
 # Protective cover picture path
 self.protected_mask = pygame.image.load(protected_mask_path)
 self.protected_mask_flash_time =25
 self.protected_mask_flash_count =0
 self.protected_mask_pointer = False
 # Tank explosion view
 self.boom_image = pygame.image.load(boom_image_path)
 self.boom_last_time =5
 self.booming_flag = False
 self.boom_count =0
 # Number of tank lives
 self.num_lifes =3
 # Reset
 def move(self, direction, scene_elems, player_tanks_group, enemy_tanks_group, home):
 # Cannot move when exploding
 if self.booming_flag:return
 # Change the direction first if the direction is inconsistent
 if self.direction != direction:
  self.switch_count = self.switch_time
  self.move_cache_count = self.move_cache_time
 # mobile(Use buffer)
 self.move_cache_count +=1if self.move_cache_count < self.move_cache_time:return
 self.move_cache_count =0if self.direction =='up':
  speed =(0,-self.speed)
 elif self.direction =='down':
  speed =(0, self.speed)
 elif self.direction =='left':
  speed =(-self.speed,0)
 elif self.direction =='right':
  speed =(self.speed,0)
 rect_ori = self.rect
 self.rect = self.rect.move(speed)
 # - - Encounter scene elements
 for key, value in scene_elems.items():if key in['brick_group','iron_group','river_group']:if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, value, False, None):
   self.rect = rect_ori
  elif key in['ice_group']:if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, value, False, None):
   self.rect = self.rect.move(speed)
 # - - Encountered other players&#39; tanks
 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, player_tanks_group, False, None):
  self.rect = rect_ori
 # - - Encounter an enemy tank
 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, enemy_tanks_group, False, None):
  self.rect = rect_ori
 # - - Meet the player base camp
 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, home):
  self.rect = rect_ori
 # - - Hit the boundary
 if self.rect.left < self.border_len:
  self.rect.left = self.border_len
 elif self.rect.right > self.screensize[0]-self.border_len:
  self.rect.right = self.screensize[0]- self.border_len
 elif < self.border_len: = self.border_len
 elif self.rect.bottom > self.screensize[1]-self.border_len:
  self.rect.bottom = self.screensize[1]- self.border_len
 # Switch pictures for tank wheel motion effects
 self.switch_count +=1if self.switch_count > self.switch_time:
  self.switch_count =0
  self.switch_pointer = not self.switch_pointer
  self.image = self.tank_direction_image.subsurface((48*int(self.switch_pointer),0),(48,48))

Game interface settings

Game interface settings include: start interface settings, end interface settings, and level switching interface settings:

The game start interface includes the selection of the number of players and the loading of pictures and music:

''' Game start interface'''
def gameStartInterface(screen, cfg):
 background_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('background'))
 color_white =(255,255,255)
 color_red =(255,0,0)
 font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, cfg.WIDTH//12)
 logo_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('logo'))
 logo_img = pygame.transform.scale(logo_img,(446,70))
 logo_rect = logo_img.get_rect()
 logo_rect.centerx, logo_rect.centery = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT//4
 tank_cursor = pygame.image.load(cfg.PLAYER_TANK_IMAGE_PATHS.get('player1')[0]).convert_alpha().subsurface((0,144),(48,48))
 tank_rect = tank_cursor.get_rect()
 # Number of players selection
 player_render_white = font.render('1 PLAYER', True, color_white)
 player_render_red = font.render('1 PLAYER', True, color_red)
 player_rect = player_render_white.get_rect()
 player_rect.left, = cfg.WIDTH/2.8, cfg.HEIGHT/2.5
 players_render_white = font.render('2 PLAYERS', True, color_white)
 players_render_red = font.render('2 PLAYERS', True, color_red)
 players_rect = players_render_white.get_rect()
 players_rect.left, = cfg.WIDTH/2.8, cfg.HEIGHT/2
 # Game tips
 game_tip = font.render('press <Enter> to start', True, color_white)
 game_tip_rect = game_tip.get_rect()
 game_tip_rect.centerx, = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT/1.4
 game_tip_flash_time =25
 game_tip_flash_count =0
 game_tip_show_flag = True
 # Main loop
 clock = pygame.time.Clock()
 is_dual_mode = False
 while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:return is_dual_mode
  elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_s:
   is_dual_mode = not is_dual_mode
 screen.blit(logo_img, logo_rect)
 game_tip_flash_count +=1if game_tip_flash_count > game_tip_flash_time:
  game_tip_show_flag = not game_tip_show_flag
  game_tip_flash_count =0if game_tip_show_flag:
  screen.blit(game_tip, game_tip_rect)if not is_dual_mode:
  tank_rect.right, = player_rect.left-10,
  screen.blit(tank_cursor, tank_rect)
  screen.blit(player_render_red, player_rect)
  screen.blit(players_render_white, players_rect)else:
  tank_rect.right, = players_rect.left-10,
  screen.blit(tank_cursor, tank_rect)
  screen.blit(player_render_white, player_rect)
  screen.blit(players_render_red, players_rect)

The end of the game interface includes the judgment of game victory and failure, and whether to exit the game or restart the setting:

''' Game over interface'''
def gameEndIterface(screen, cfg, is_win=True):
 background_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('background'))
 color_white =(255,255,255)
 color_red =(255,0,0)
 font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, cfg.WIDTH//12)
 # Game failure graph
 gameover_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('gameover'))
 gameover_img = pygame.transform.scale(gameover_img,(150,75))
 gameover_img_rect = gameover_img.get_rect()
 gameover_img_rect.midtop = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT/8
 gameover_flash_time =25
 gameover_flash_count =0
 gameover_show_flag = True
 # Tips for winning the game
 if is_win:
 font_render = font.render('Congratulations, You win!', True, color_white)else:
 font_render = font.render('Sorry, You fail!', True, color_white)
 font_rect = font_render.get_rect()
 font_rect.centerx, font_rect.centery = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT/3
 # Used to opt out or restart
 tank_cursor = pygame.image.load(cfg.PLAYER_TANK_IMAGE_PATHS.get('player1')[0]).convert_alpha().subsurface((0,144),(48,48))
 tank_rect = tank_cursor.get_rect()
 restart_render_white = font.render('RESTART', True, color_white)
 restart_render_red = font.render('RESTART', True, color_red)
 restart_rect = restart_render_white.get_rect()
 restart_rect.left, = cfg.WIDTH/2.4, cfg.HEIGHT/2
 quit_render_white = font.render('QUIT', True, color_white)
 quit_render_red = font.render('QUIT', True, color_red)
 quit_rect = quit_render_white.get_rect()
 quit_rect.left, = cfg.WIDTH/2.4, cfg.HEIGHT/1.6
 is_quit_game = False
 # Main loop
 clock = pygame.time.Clock()while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:return is_quit_game
  elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_s:
   is_quit_game = not is_quit_game
 gameover_flash_count +=1if gameover_flash_count > gameover_flash_time:
  gameover_show_flag = not gameover_show_flag
  gameover_flash_count =0if gameover_show_flag:
  screen.blit(gameover_img, gameover_img_rect)
 screen.blit(font_render, font_rect)if not is_quit_game:
  tank_rect.right, = restart_rect.left-10,
  screen.blit(tank_cursor, tank_rect)
  screen.blit(restart_render_red, restart_rect)
  screen.blit(quit_render_white, quit_rect)else:
  tank_rect.right, = quit_rect.left-10,
  screen.blit(tank_cursor, tank_rect)
  screen.blit(restart_render_white, restart_rect)
  screen.blit(quit_render_red, quit_rect)

The game interface switch is mainly loaded by the progress bar:

''' Level switching interface'''
def switchLevelIterface(screen, cfg, level_next=1):
 background_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('background'))
 color_white =(255,255,255)
 color_gray =(192,192,192)
 font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, cfg.WIDTH//20)
 logo_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('logo'))
 logo_img = pygame.transform.scale(logo_img,(446,70))
 logo_rect = logo_img.get_rect()
 logo_rect.centerx, logo_rect.centery = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT//4
 # Game loading tips
 font_render = font.render('Loading game data, You will enter Level-%s'% level_next, True, color_white)
 font_rect = font_render.get_rect()
 font_rect.centerx, font_rect.centery = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT/2
 # Game loading progress bar
 gamebar = pygame.image.load(cfg.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('gamebar')).convert_alpha()
 gamebar_rect = gamebar.get_rect()
 gamebar_rect.centerx, gamebar_rect.centery = cfg.WIDTH/2, cfg.HEIGHT/1.4
 tank_cursor = pygame.image.load(cfg.PLAYER_TANK_IMAGE_PATHS.get('player1')[0]).convert_alpha().subsurface((0,144),(48,48))
 tank_rect = tank_cursor.get_rect()
 tank_rect.left = gamebar_rect.left
 tank_rect.centery = gamebar_rect.centery
 # Loading time
 load_time_left = gamebar_rect.right - tank_rect.right +8
 # Main loop
 clock = pygame.time.Clock()while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  sys.exit()if load_time_left <=0:return
 screen.blit(logo_img, logo_rect)
 screen.blit(font_render, font_rect)
 screen.blit(gamebar, gamebar_rect)
 screen.blit(tank_cursor, tank_rect)
 pygame.draw.rect(screen, color_gray,(gamebar_rect.left+8,, tank_rect.left-gamebar_rect.left-8,
 tank_rect.left +=1
 load_time_left -=1

Complete code:

Extraction code: 09bl

***Author: Qiu key ***

***CSDN blog expert, CSDN master class author. He is currently studying at China University of Mining and Technology, and has won tappap competitions. ***

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