Use python to realize the aircraft war game

The examples in this article share the Python aircraft war project for your reference. The specific content is as follows

import gc
import random
import pygame
# Player airplane sprite
import Constants
def __init__(self, screen):
# Call the parent class initialization method
# pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)super().__init__()
# window
self.screen = screen
# A picture of a player airplane
self.image = pygame.image.load('./feiji/feiji.png')
# Aircraft rectangle area object
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Coordinates of the upper left corner
self.rect.topleft =[512/2-116/2,600]
# Airplane speed
self.speed =15
# A sprite group stores all bullet sprites
self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group()
# Initial HP 100
self.blood_value =100
# Mark if the player's plane is over
self.is_remove = False
# The index of the exploded picture starts from 0
self.mIndex =0
# List of explosion pictures
self.bomb_mImages =[]for v inrange(1,15):
# Save all pictures in the list, save each picture twice
self.bomb_mImages.append(pygame.image.load('./feiji/image '+str(v)+'.png'))
self.bomb_mImages.append(pygame.image.load('./feiji/image '+str(v)+'.png'))
def kill_blood(self, kill_value=10):"""Decreased blood volume"""
self.blood_value -= kill_value
print('Got hit, there is still blood%s'% self.blood_value)if self.blood_value <=0:
# Avoid negative blood volume
self.blood_value =0
# Blood volume<=0 set is_remove is True
self.is_remove = True
def key_control(self):"""Press buttons to monitor and operate the aircraft up, down, left, and right, and fire bullets"""
# Listen to keyboard events
key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() #Note that this method can detect the keyboard that has been pressed and not released
if key_pressed[pygame.K_w] or key_pressed[pygame.K_UP]:
# If the top value is less than 0, it will reach the top and don’t move anymore.
if   3: -= self.speed
if key_pressed[pygame.K_s] or key_pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]:if self.rect.bottom <=768:
self.rect.bottom += self.speed
if key_pressed[pygame.K_a] or key_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]:if self.rect.left   0:
self.rect.left -= self.speed
if key_pressed[pygame.K_d] or key_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]:if self.rect.right <520:
self.rect.right += self.speed
if key_pressed[pygame.K_SPACE]:
# print("space")
# Create 3 bullets
bullet1 =Bullet(self.screen, self.rect.left,,1)
bullet2 =Bullet(self.screen, self.rect.left,,2)
bullet3 =Bullet(self.screen, self.rect.left,,3)
# Add to sprite group
self.bullets.add(bullet1, bullet2, bullet3)
def bomb(self):print('Player airplane exploding')"""Show explosion picture"""
self.screen.blit(self.bomb_mImages[self.mIndex], self.rect)
self.mIndex +=1print('mIndex', self.mIndex)if self.mIndex  =len(self.bomb_mImages):
# Play to the end and the explosion ends and returns to True
return True
def update(self):if self.is_remove:print('Player plane hangs up')
# If the player hangs up
if self.bomb():
# End of explosion
print('End of explosion')
self.rect.topleft =[-200,-200]
# Start countdown
# Point the player plane to None to stop the update
manager.hero = None
def display(self):
# if self.blood_value <=0:
# # If the HP is less than 0, move out of the window
# self.rect.topleft =[-200,-200]
# Display the plane on the window 116*100
self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)
# Update the bullet position in the wizard group
# Show all bullets in the sprite group to the window
# path_num indicates which bullet is in the shot
def __init__(self, screen, planex, planey, path_num):
# Call the parent class initialization method
# pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)super().__init__()
# window
self.screen = screen
# A bullet picture
self.image = pygame.image.load('./feiji/bullet_12.png')
# Bullet rectangle area object
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Coordinates of the upper left corner of the bullet
self.rect.topleft =[planex +48, planey -20]
# Bullet speed
self.speed =15
# path_num indicates which bullet is in the shot
self.path_num = path_num
def update(self):"""Modify bullet coordinates""" -= self.speed
if self.rect.bottom <0:
# The bullet has been moved out of the top of the screen and now delete the bullet from the wizard group
self.kill()if self.path_num ==1:
elif self.path_num ==2:
# If it is equal to 2, it is the shot on the left
self.rect.left -=10
elif self.path_num ==3:
# If it is equal to 3, it is the shot on the right
self.rect.right +=10
# Enemy Genie
# Create class attributes to store all bullets of all aircraft
all_bullets = pygame.sprite.Group()
def __init__(self, screen):
# Call the parent class initialization method
# pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)super().__init__()
# window
self.screen = screen
# A picture of a player airplane
self.image = pygame.image.load('./feiji/img-plane_5.png')
# Aircraft rectangle area object
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# The x coordinate of the upper left corner is random
self.rect.topleft =[random.randint(0,412),0]
# Airplane speed
self.speed =3
# A sprite group stores all bullet sprites
self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group()
# The left and right direction of the bandit is by default right at the beginning
self.direction ='right'
# Bullet&#39;s Elf Group
self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group()
# Mark whether the enemy aircraft is hit or not to delete
self.is_remove = False
# The index of the exploded picture starts from 0
self.mIndex =0
# List of explosion pictures
self.bomb_mImages =[]for v inrange(1,14):
# Save all pictures in the list, save each picture twice
self.bomb_mImages.append(pygame.image.load('./feiji/image '+str(v)+'.png'))
self.bomb_mImages.append(pygame.image.load('./feiji/image '+str(v)+'.png'))
# Record the explosion location
self.x =0
self.y =0
def auto_move(self):"""Automatic movement"""
# Move Downward
self.rect.bottom += self.speed
# Delete it if the plane moves down out of the boundary
if   Manager.height:
# Move left and right in different directions
if self.direction =='right':
self.rect.right +=6
elif self.direction =='left':
self.rect.right -=6
# Change the direction of movement beyond the left and right boundaries
if self.rect.right  = Manager.width:
self.direction ='left'if self.rect.left <=0:
self.direction ='right'
def auto_fire(self):
# Use a random number
num = random.randint(1,40)
# Judge if it is equal to 1, fire a bullet, which reduces the probability
if num ==5:
# Generate bandit bullets
bullet =EnemyBullet(self.screen, self.rect.left,
# Add to sprite group
# Add the bullet to the all of the class_Used for collision detection in bullets
def bomb(self):"""Show explosion picture"""if self.mIndex  =len(self.bomb_mImages):
# Play to the end and the explosion ends and returns to True
return True
self.screen.blit(self.bomb_mImages[self.mIndex],(self.x, self.y))
self.mIndex +=1
def update(self):if self.is_remove:if self.rect.left !=-200:
# Record the location of the explosion
self.x = self.rect.left
self.y =
# If it has been hit, remove the aircraft from the window to prevent collision detection
self.rect.left =-200 =-200
# Show explosion effect
if self.bomb() and not self.bullets:
# If the explosion ends, delete yourself from the wizard group
# mobile
# Fire
# display
def display(self):
# Display the plane on the window 116*100
self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)
def bullet_show(self):if self.bullets:
# Bandit bullet update
# Enemy aircraft bullet display
# path_num indicates which bullet is in the shot
def __init__(self, screen, x, y):
# Call the parent class initialization method
# pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)super().__init__()
# window
self.screen = screen
# A bullet picture
self.image = pygame.image.load('./feiji/bullet_6.png')
# Bullet rectangle area object
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Coordinates of the upper left corner of the bullet
self.rect.topleft =[x +40, y +60]
# Bullet speed
self.speed =10
def update(self):"""Modify bullet coordinates"""
self.rect.bottom += self.speed
# If the bullet moves down and out of the boundary delete it
if   Manager.height:
# Game music
def __init__(self):
pygame.mixer.init() #Music module initialization"./feiji/Jamesketed.mp3") #Half the sound
self.__bomb = pygame.mixer.Sound("./feiji/bomb.wav")
def playBackgroundMusic(self):
# Start playing background music-1 means always repeat
def playBombSound(self): #Explosion music
# Initialize the map
def __init__(self, screen):
self.mImage1 = pygame.image.load("./feiji/img_bg_level_4.jpg")
self.mImage2 = pygame.image.load("./feiji/img_bg_level_4.jpg")
# window
self.screen = screen
# Auxiliary mobile map
self.y1 =0
self.y2 =-Manager.height # -768
def update(self):
# Move the map
def move(self):
self.y1 +=2
self.y2 +=2if self.y1  = Manager.height:
self.y1 =0if self.y2  =0:
self.y2 =-Manager.height
# Draw a map
def draw(self):
self.screen.blit(self.mImage1,(0, self.y1))
self.screen.blit(self.mImage2,(0, self.y2))classManager:
hero: HeroPlane
# Create width and height
width =512
height =768
def __init__(self):
# pygame is initialized otherwise the font file cannot be found
# 1 Create a window parameter 1 is width and height, parameter 2 additional parameter parameter 3 is color depth
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height),0,32)
# 2 Create background image objects
# self.background = pygame.image.load('./feiji/img_bg_level_5.jpg')
self.background =GameBackground(self.screen)
# Create an airplane object
self.hero =HeroPlane(self.screen)
# Create a clock object
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Bandit elves
self.enemys = pygame.sprite.Group()
# Initialize the sound effect object
self.sound =GameSound()
# Define score attributes
self.score =0
# Countdown time
self.over_time =3
def exit(self):
# Execute exit code
# Exit of the program
def new_enemy(self):
# Create a bandit object
enemy =EnemyPlane(self.screen)
# Add to sprite group
def drawText(self, text, x, y, textHeight=30, fontColor=(255,255,255), backgroudColor=None):
# Obtain font object parameters through font files 1 font file parameters 2 font size
font_obj = pygame.font.Font('./feiji/baddf.ttf', textHeight)
# 1 Whether text 2 is anti-aliased 3 text color 4 background color
text_obj = font_obj.render(text, True, fontColor, backgroudColor) #Configure the text to be displayed
# Get the rect of the object to be displayed
text_rect = text_obj.get_rect()
# Set the coordinates of the display object
text_rect.topleft =(x, y)
# Draw a word to the specified area. Parameter 1 is a text object parameter 2 Rectangle object
self.screen.blit(text_obj, text_rect)
def game_over_timer(self):"""Execute countdown"""
self.over_time -=1if self.over_time ==0:
# Stop countdown
# Restart the game
def show_over_text(self):print('self.over_time', self.over_time)
# Countdown time displayed at the end of the game
self.drawText('gameover %d'% self.over_time,0, Manager.height /2, textHeight=50,
def start_game(self):
global manager
# Situation Bandit Bullet Elf Group
manager =Manager()
# Garbage collection prompts the python interpreter to recycle
def main(self):
# Play background music
# Ref. 1 eventid is the event id, defined by yourself (0-32) Do not conflict with other event ids of pygame that have been used,
# Parameter 2 is the interval time of timing events, in milliseconds
pygame.time.set_timer(Constants.new_enemy,500)while True:
# Control the number of executions per s
# Get the event and handle it
for event in pygame.event.get():
# Determine whether the type of event is exit
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# drop out
elif event.type == Constants.new_enemy:
# Equal to 20 means the timer takes effect to add an enemy aircraft
# print('Add an enemy plane')
elif event.type == Constants.game_over_id:print('Countdown 33333')
# Show countdown time
# 3 Display the background image on the window
# self.screen.blit(self.background,(0,0))
self.drawText('fraction:%s'% self.score,0,0)if self.hero:
self.drawText('HP:%s'% self.hero.blood_value,0,30)
# Update aircraft
# if self.hero.blood_value <=0 and not self.hero.bullets.sprites():
# # Point the player aircraft reference to None and release as soon as possible
# self.hero = None
self.drawText('HP: 0',0,30)
# Update bandit
# If the plane has hung up, the countdown will always be displayed
if not self.hero:
# Show countdown
# Determine whether the player’s aircraft and enemy aircraft are both self.enemys.sprites()Returns the list of sprites corresponding to the sprite group
if self.hero and self.enemys.sprites():
# The list of enemy aircraft that collided returned by the collision detection
collide_enemys = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.hero, self.enemys, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask)if collide_enemys:
# If the list is not empty, it means you have encountered an enemy aircraft
print('Encountered an enemy plane')
# Explosion sound
self.hero.kill_blood(100)for enemy_item in collide_enemys:
# Mark the enemy plane has been hit
enemy_item.is_remove = True
# Determine whether the bullets and enemy aircraft of the player&#39;s aircraft and the player&#39;s aircraft exist
if self.hero and self.hero.bullets and self.enemys:
# Detect collisions between the player’s aircraft and enemy aircraft
# The return is a dictionary format{<Bullet sprite(in0 groups):[<EnemyPlane sprite(in0 groups)]}
# { Colliding bullet 1:[Enemy plane hit 1 and enemy plane hit 2], The colliding bullet 2:[The enemy plane hit 1, the enemy plane hit 5]}
collode_dict = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.hero.bullets, self.enemys, True, False,
# 1 Multiple bullets hit the same plane#2 Different bullets hit different planes#Remove duplicate enemy aircraft for all bonus points
# print(collode_dict)if collode_dict:
# Explosion sound
# Use a set to add enemy aircraft to remove duplicates
enemyset =set()
# Get a list of all enemy planes hit, and then traverse
for v_enemys in collode_dict.values():
# Traverse the list of enemy aircraft
for enemy_item in v_enemys:
# print(id(enemy_item))
# Mark the enemy plane has been hit
enemy_item.is_remove = True
# After collision+10 points*Number of enemy aircraft in the set
self.score +=10*len(enemyset)
# Determine the player’s aircraft and enemy aircraft bullets
if self.hero and EnemyPlane.all_bullets:
# Detect the collision between the player and the enemy aircraft
collide_bullets = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.hero, EnemyPlane.all_bullets, True,
pygame.sprite.collide_mask)if collide_bullets:
# Decrease 10 if it hits*The number of bullets
# 2 Display window
pygame.display.update()if __name__ =='__main__':
manager =Manager()

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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