2018-06-14Ubuntu common commands

1 , Cd~ back to the following directory

2 , Create a script file opencvinstall.sh under Home

Right-click the property Allow executing file as program to tick

3 , Open the terminal and execute the following command

sudo su

cd ~

. /opencvinstall.sh

cd .. Return to the previous directory

cd ../.. Return to the upper two-level directory

cd or cd ~ return to home directory

cd-directory name return to the specified directory

4, gedit display line number

Gedit Edit -> View

5, pip install pyserial//python2

pip3 install pyserial//python3

6 , Copy and paste files with root privileges in Ubuntu

Step 1: Open the terminal and enter sudo nautilus in the command line

Step 2: Enter your user's password

Step 3: Open the directory to be operated in the pop-up window

Step 4: Copy the files in other directories you need and paste them into the current directory

Or: You can also delete unwanted files in the current directory window

Use sudo followed by the command you want to execute

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