Learn a little linux every day-install ubuntu system on real machine

I wanted to write a tutorial on Installing ubuntu on real machine at the beginning, but the computer hasn’t had any problems.

. Today, my friend just wanted to install an ubuntu system, just to do such a tutorial.

  1. Prepare tools and systems

  2. For the system, please go to the ubuntu official website to download the required version by yourself

  3. Download UltraISO to write system files to USB

Second, make and install the USB flash drive

1 Start UltraISO, select "File"-"Open".

2 Select the system file to be used

3 Select'Tools'-'Write Hard Disk Image', select the inserted USB flash drive in the pop-up box, and then directly click Write, and wait for the file to be written to the USB flash drive.

  1. Install the system on the computer

1 Insert the made USB disk into the computer where you want to install the ubuntu system, restart the computer, modify the default boot sequence of the computer, put the usb before the hard disk, and avoid the computer directly booting from the hard disk.

Due to different BIOS versions and manufacturer customizations, the modification methods are inconsistent. Lenovo computers generally start up and press F8 to select the boot device, just select your USB flash drive. For other computer models, please explore or Baidu.

2 Go to the boot menu of ubuntu and select'install ubuntu'.

3 The computer will automatically enter a system similar to WinPE, click on the icon on the desktop to enter the installation boot program.

4 The first is to choose the language, you can choose at will. Generally, it is recommended to choose English or Chinese. Here we will demonstrate in Chinese. After choosing, click "Continue".

5 Choose the keyboard layout, whether it's Chinese or English, just keep the default here, please choose other languages by yourself.

6 Select the installation mode, here you can choose'normal installation' and'minimum installation', if you are familiar with linux, you can minimal installation, otherwise please choose'normal installation'. The figure does not check "Install third-party software for graphics or wireless hardware, and other media formats". Please check it to avoid missing some drivers or playback software. I generally don’t use the password at the bottom. It is used for encryption. You need to enter the password before booting. You can set it according to your needs.

7 disk partition. If you don't want to be too troublesome, just choose the first one (applicable for installing dual systems). If you partition manually, at least four partitions are recommended:

8 Set up a personal account. The Linux desktop environment does not allow root login. We need to set up a personal account for daily use. Here you can set it according to personal preferences.

9 Click "Install Now" to start the installation. The subsequent installation will proceed automatically. After the end, there will be a pop-up prompt to continue the experience or restart, choose to restart, unplug the U disk, and the computer will enter the installed ubuntu system after restarting.

The above are the main steps to install the ubuntu system on a real machine. If you encounter any problems in the process, please leave a message.

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The article was originally published by'ian有话说'. Please indicate the source for reprinting.

Article author ianzhi, original address: https://www.dnote.cn/users/ianzhi/posts/computer-install-ubuntu

The copyright of the article belongs to the author, please keep this statement for reprinting.

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