About win10 subsystem (ubuntu)

Regarding how to install and install ubuntu, before it was necessary to download and install a virtual machine, and then download the mirror installation package, but now it does not need to be so troublesome. Installation tutorial: [Win10 install Ubuntu subsystem tutorial (with installation graphical interface)] (https://www.windows10.pro/bash-on-ubuntu-on-windows/)

You can go directly to the windows application store to download and install ubuntu for free, just like installing other applications. There are already many such blogs online in this tutorial.

Now talk about the sub-system under win10-ubuntu experience.

First of all, it is the method to access the c, d, e, f disks, in the dos interface, this is:


And in the ununtu interface is like this:

cd /mnt/c/
cd /mnt/e/...

So it is easy to access files under windows, and the Chinese support is good, and there is no garbled problem.

However, recently, when executing the shell file, I found that the command could not be executed, which may be caused by the newline character, but it can be executed normally after rewriting in the ubuntu environment.

Then there is the problem of apt-get execution error report, usually an update can solve the problem:

sudo apt-get update

At the same time, you can consider replacing the source of apt: ubuntu apt-get faster domestic source

Then there is the problem of copy and paste. Generally, copy and paste can be completed with the right mouse button.

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