Installation and use of Win10 subsystem Ubuntu

With the win10 subsystem Ubuntu, it is really easy to use, no more virtual machines, dual systems.

Let's start teaching you installation directly:

After the activation is completed, there is no need to restart immediately. First go to the Microsoft Store and install the Ubuntu system.

The 16.04 LTS version is selected here, you can also choose the 18.04 LTS version. Just install it. Then restart.

After restarting, you can see Ubuntu in the start menu bar. Start, and then change the software source.

When you open Ubuntu for the first time, he will ask you to enter your user name and password. Just set it up, and then enter the following command to prepare to change the source.

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

After entering, delete the software source directly. Then use Tsinghua's software source.

Copy it to your sources.list. Then save and exit. For those who don’t use vi, see here:

Then execute the command:

sudo apt-get update

After execution, you can install the software you need. In addition, the hard disk is mounted in the mnt directory.

Then you can use Ubuntu.

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