CentOS8 deploys KMS service to activate Office

Key Management Service (abbreviation: KMS), this function is a new type of product activation mechanism in products after Windows Vista. The purpose is for Microsoft to better curb illegal software authorization (piracy).

I recently used Outlook, and my trial of Outlook was about to expire, so I thought of KMS to activate Office. This article uses CentOS 8 as an example to introduce the method of deploying KMS services.

Download the file to the server##

# Download Vlmcsd
wget https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd/releases/download/svn1111/binaries.tar.gz
# Check if port 1688 is open
netstat -nxtlp | grep 1688
# Unzip binaries.tar.gz 
tar -xzvf binaries.tar.gz 
# Enter binaries/Linux/intel/static/
cd binaries/Linux/intel/static/
# Execute the command to start Vlmcsd
. /vlmcsd-x64-musl-static
# Check whether Vlmcsd is running normally
ps -ef |grep vlmcsd-x64-musl-static

Recently, there are problems in accessing Github in China. This step may pop up the connection failure. You need to modify the Host on the server before you can execute the command to download the Vlmcsd script.

CentOS8 modify Githb Host

# Use VI to modify the host file
vi /etc/hosts
# Modify Github resolution address raw.githubusercontent.com github.com github.global.ssl.fastly.net api.github.com

Part of the content of this article is referenced from: https://www.cnblogs.com/Simon212/p/10963530.html

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