Centos7 build DNS service

Install bind software through yum (included in the system disk)

The main configuration file of DNS (bind) is etc/named.conf/, enter the configuration

The following is the meaning of each configuration item

The area configuration content in the main configuration file is as follows

The above is a forward analysis and the other is a reverse analysis, depending on your needs
The next step is to configure the area data file. The default location is stored in /var/named.
Create a new text

After entering, enter r /var/named/named.localhost in the last line mode

Enter the data content of the area on the bottom line

Then create a new zone data file for the reverse zone

Repeat the technique and copy the contents of the file

After finishing, enter the host record

After all configuration files are written, you can use the following commands to check all DNS-related configuration files. If there are syntax errors, they will be pointed out in turn

If there is no problem, you can enter systemctl start named to start the DNS service
Open client verification [domain name resolution] (https://cloud.tencent.com/product/cns?from=10680)

Next, open a centos 7 to install DNS (bind) service, the configuration file is the auxiliary zone

Change the client's preferred DNS address to the static IP of the secondary zone, and perform nslookup analysis again
If the resolution is successful, the auxiliary zone will be completed, and there will be a benet.com.zone in the slave directory of the auxiliary zone

Type of forwarding
(1) Global forwarding: all local query requests that do not pass the zone definition are forwarded to a certain forwarder

options {
forwarders {; }; #Specify who the forwarder is
forward only|first; #only means forwarding only; first means forwarding first, if the result is not found, then it will iterate out according to the root prompt.


forward first; #The machine cannot be parsed and forwarded to for analysis #first: forward first; when the forwarder does not respond, iterate the query by itself; only: only forward;
forwarders {;;;;

(2) Partial forwarding: only forwarding the analysis request for a specific area
zone {
forwarders {ip; }; #Specify who the forwarder is
forward only|first; #only means forwarding only; first means forwarding first, if the result is not found, then it will iterate out according to the root prompt.

root@DNS-Slave chroot]#vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones
zone "google.com.hk" IN {
type forward;
forward only;
forwarders {; };

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