Several things you can do after installing Ubuntu 10.04TLS

1 , The desktop shows the computer, folders, recycle bin

Ctrl+Alt+T Open the terminal (or Alt+F2 to open the running application), enter gconf-editor to open the configuration editor.

Open apps--nautilus--desktop in turn

Check computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, trash_icon_visible.

2 , Configure the software library

vi /etc/apt/sources.list add fast source

deb lucid main universe restricted multiverse

deb-src lucid main universe restricted multiverse

deb lucid-security universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src lucid-security universe main multiverse restricted

deb lucid-updates universe main multiverse restricted

deb lucid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src lucid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted

deb lucid-backports universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src lucid-backports universe main multiverse restricted

deb-src lucid-updates universe main multiverse restricted

Then update

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

3 , Install vim

Sudo apt-get install vim

4 , Install 3D desktop effects

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

System--Preferences--compizconfig Settings Manager

5 , Install flish player for Firefox download APT, applicable to ubuntu10.04+

6 , Install xrdp remote connection windows

sudo apt-get install xrdp

sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp restart

rdesktop -u user -p passwd -g 90% -a 16 serverip

Among them -u user, -p password, -g shows the size of the desktop, -a connection color depth

7 , Set up email

Open the default mail client of evolution, the setting method is the same as other mail clients

8, Access windos share

Location—Connect to server—Select Windows share for service type—Server—Share name—Connect

9 , Select input method

Enter ibus-setup or system-preferences-ibus settings-input method under the terminal-select the default input method

You can also Alt+Shift_L to switch the input method (hold down the Alt key and then press Shift and L)

10 , Install printer

System-System Management-Print-Add-Add Network Printer

lp /boot/grub/grub.cfg print test

11 , Install nfs server

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

vim /etc/exports

/windows *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)

sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

showmout -e localhost check

12, Install English-Chinese dictionary

sudo apt-get install stardict

Open strdict or or application--Attachment--Xingji Translation

13 , After installing ubuntu, win7 dual system, select the default startup item

sudo vim /boot/grub/grub.cfg

set default=”0” default ubuntu change 0 to 4 to win7

set timeout=10 wait for 10s by default, change to 3

14 , Install skype

sudo apt-get install skype

skype & open the login interface or application--Internet--skype

15 , Install wireshark

sudo apt-get install wireshark

wireshark & open or application-Internet-wireshark
sudo wireshark -i eth0 required administrator permissions

16 , Install wine

After installing wine, you can install software under windows.

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