Ubuntu 14.04 uses windows 8.1 shared folder (return)

Install VMware10 Tools in Ubuntu 14.04##

I have been distressed because I can’t install the vm tools for a few days. In fact, there are other alternatives, but if I can’t figure it out, I always have a pimple.

I used Ubuntu14.04 64-bit installed by VMware7. There were a lot of errors when installing vm tools. I checked a lot of information to no avail. I can only use the shared clipboard function. My goal is to open the shared folder.

I searched for the latest version of VMware this morning, and found 10, and it is the Chinese version. I installed it and planned to try again. After the installation, the errors reported by VMware7 before are gone. Instead, there are several new errors, and the installation is complete. After that, even the most basic shared clipboard function is gone, continue to check the information, and finally found it in google

apt-get install gcc

1 - Run apt-get install dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential psmisc

2 - Run git clone https://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches.git

3 - Run cd vmware-tools-patches/patches

4 - Remove every folder except vmhgfs.

5 - Get the last version of VMwareTools clicking on VMWare Bar  VM  InstallReinstall VMWare Tools. It will open a virtual CD containing the tar file.

6 - Copy VMwareTools-9.2.4-1398046.tar.gz to vmware-tools-patches folder.

7 - On vmware-tools-patches folder, run .untar-and-patch-and-compile.sh

After restarting, the resolution can be adaptive, and the clipboard can be used normally. Enter lsmod grep vm to see vmhgfs, but in the shared directory that is /mnt/hgfs, it prompts that the folder is not a directory

ln -s /mnt/hgfs/u64/ /home/johnny/

Suppose u64 is a shared folder, and /home/johnny is the root directory of the current user

Add this line in ~/.profile, there is no need to link again after restarting.

It was found on the Internet that it was a bug of VMware 10, which was fixed in version 10.0.2. It is being downloaded. Try again tomorrow.

After restarting, the resolution can be adaptive and the clipboard can be used normally. Enter lsmod grep vm to see vmhgfs, but in the shared directory, that is, mnthgfs, it prompts that the folder is not a directory

It was found on the Internet that it was a bug of VMware 10, which was fixed in version 10.0.2. It is being downloaded. Try again tomorrow.

Creating a new initrd boot image for the kernel.

update-initramfs Generating bootinitrd.img-3.13.0-24-generic

initctl unknown task vmware-tools-thinprint

Unable to start services for VMware Tools

Execution aborted.

A basin of cold water. I checked some and it is related to printing. I don’t need the printing function anyway, just delete it.

root@ www.linuxidc.cometcinit# rm vmware-tools-thinprint.conf

Restart service

root@ www.linuxidc.cometcvmware-tools# .services.sh restart

Stopping VMware Tools services in the virtual machine

Guest operating system daemon                                      done

VMware User Agent (vmware-user)                                    done

Blocking file system                                              done

Unmounting HGFS shares                                            done

Guest filesystem driver                                            done

VM communication interface                                        done

Checking acpi hot plug                                              done

Starting VMware Tools services in the virtual machine

Switching to guest configuration                                  done

VM communication interface                                        done

Guest filesystem driver                                            done

Mounting HGFS shares                                              done

Blocking file system                                              done

VMware User Agent                                                  done

Guest operating system daemon                                      done

View shared directory

root@ www.linuxidc.cometcvmware-tools# df

File system 1K-blocks used available used% mount point

devsda1      19478204  4487716  13978008  25%

none                  4        0        4    0% sysfscgroup

udev            1010624        4  1010620    1% dev

tmpfs            204276    1072    203204    1% run

none                5120        0      5120    0% runlock

none            1021364      152  1021212    1% runshm

none              102400      56    102344    1% runuser

devsr0          61542    61542        0  100% mediayufanVMware Tools

. host        186165244 47665228 138500016  26% mnthgfs

root@ www.linuxidc.cometcvmware-tools# cd mnthgfs

root@ www.linuxidc.commnthgfs# ls


root@ www.linuxidc.commnthgfs# cd WindowsShare

root@ www.linuxidc.commnthgfsWindowsShare# ls

Finally done!

sudo mount -t vmhgfs .host mnthgfs

vmware-hgfsclient.hostshared homepnutsshared vmhgfs defaults 0 0

Install VMware Tools under Ubuntu 12.04 httpwww.linuxidc.comLinux2012-0560472p2.htm

The second step, share the folder

First, click on the virtual machine --- after setting, the virtual machine settings will appear, select "Options", click on the shared folder-always enable-add, and then operate in order to OK.

At this time, you create a share folder under the local F drive, this is the folder shared between the local machine and the virtual machine.

It’s OK here, you enter the virtual machine, click Application-Accessories-Terminal, and enter the Linux operation interface.

Then enter cd /mnt/hgfs

Then enter the command line ls, you will find the directory share exists under the directory, indicating that the sharing is successful.

If there is no directory under /mnt/hgfs, solve:

Install Ubuntu 11.10 on VMware 8 virtual machine and use share folders to share directories

Power off the virtual machine (cannot be suspended), set the share folders directory, and restart the virtual machine.

At this time, the /mnt/hgfs directory is still empty.

Should sudo apt-get install open-vm-dkms, press enter all the way to pass.

Then sudo mount -t vmhgfs .host:/ /mnt/hgfs, so that there is a shared directory with windows under /mnt/hgfs.

In order to automatically mount the shared directory every time you boot, add a line at the end of /etc/init.d/open-vm-tools:

sudo mount -t vmhgfs .host:/ /mnt/hgfs (2 spaces at host:/)

After moving the vm on the PC, it needs to be shut down, set to enabled and use /usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl -d

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