Virtual machine installation and configuration ubuntu shared folder_

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Virtual machine installation and configuration ubuntu shared folder#

There are various related configuration instructions on the Internet, but none of them are complete. Here the host combines actual combat and pro-test, this set contains various situations

  1. Install VMware tools

  2. Unzip to any folder tar -xzvf VMwareTools****.tar.gz

  3. Get the vmware-tools-distrib folder

  4. Run ./ in the directory and enter all the way

  5. Run ./ in the vmware-tools-distrib/bin directory

At this time, the mnt/hgfs directory will appear
If there is no shared window folder, continue

  1. vmware-hgfsclient command to view the current shared directories

  2. mount -t vmhgfs .host:/Linux_Source /mnt/hgfs
    (. host:/Linux_Source is the share name, /mnt/hgfs is the mount point)

If it shows Error: cannot mount filesystem: No such device
ubuntu executes first
sudo apt-get install open-vm-dkms
Then go to step 7

But every time the machine is restarted, it needs to be mounted again, so it needs to be set to automatically mount after the system starts.
Edit /etc/fstab and add the following line

. host:/shared /mnt/hgfs vmhgfs defaults 0 0

It is best to add sudo mount -a after configuration

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