Python interview questions summary

Python syntax and other basic parts#

  1. Mutable and immutable types;
    Answer: When defining variables (objects):
    Every time an object is created, the object will have: id, type, and value.
    id: reaction memory address
    type: Objects have their own types, different types have different characteristics, and different methods
    value: data
Variable type:

Immutable type####

  1. The realization method and difference between shallow copy and deep copy; how to realize deepcopy if you design it;
  2. The difference between new() and init();
You know several design patterns;

Have you understood encoding and decoding;

The pros and cons of list comprehension and generator;

What is a decorator; if you want to decorate after a function, what should be done;

Hand-write a singleton pattern implemented using decorators;

What is the difference between a singleton using a decorator and a singleton using other methods in subsequent use;

Handwriting: regular email address;

Introducing garbage collection: reference counting/Generational collection/Isolated reference ring

The difference between multi-process and multi-thread; what is suitable for CPU-intensive;

There are several ways of process communication;

Introduce the coroutine, why it is faster than the thread;

The difference between range and xrange (my sister’s py3...);

Author: Love techniques fairy sauce
Source: Brief Book
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