A summary of 200 Python standard libraries!


string: General string operation

re: regular expression operation

difflib: difference calculation tool

textwrap: text filling

unicodedata: Unicode character database

stringprep: Internet string preparation tool

readline: GNU read line by line interface

rlcompleter: GNU read-by-line implementation function

struct: Parse bytes into packed binary data

codecs: Codecs for registry and base classes

type of data

datetime: date and time based tools

calendar: general month function

collections: container data type

collections.abc: container virtual base class

heapq: heap queue algorithm

bisect: array dichotomy algorithm

array: efficient numeric array

weakref: weak reference

types: Dynamic creation and naming of built-in types

copy: shallow copy and deep copy

reprlib: alternate repr() implementation


numbers: virtual base class for numbers

math: mathematical function

cmath: mathematical function of complex numbers

decimal: fixed-point and floating-point calculations

fractions: rational number

random: Generate pseudo-random numbers

Functional programming

itertools: Generate iterators for efficient loops

functools: higher-order functions and operations on callable objects

operator: standard operations for functions

Files and directories

os.path: General path name control

fileinput: Traverse lines from multiple input streams

stat: explain the result of stat()

filecmp: Comparison function of files and directories

tempfile: Generate temporary files and directories

glob: Unix-style path name format extension

fnmatch: Unix-style path name format comparison

linecache: random storage of text lines

shutil: advanced file operations

macpath: MacOS 9 path control function


pickle: Python object serialization

copyreg: the support function of the registration machine for pickle

shelve: Python object persistence

marshal: internal Python object serialization

dbm: Unix "database" interface

sqlite3: API2.0 for SQLite database


zlib: Compatible with gzip compression

gzip: support for gzip files

bz2: support for bzip2 compression

lzma: compression using the LZMA algorithm

zipfile: manipulate ZIP archives

tarfile: read and write tar archive files


hashlib: secure hash and message digest

hmac: key hash for message authentication

Operating system tools

os: Various operating system interfaces

io: Streaming core tool

time: query and conversion of time

argparser: a parser for command line options, arguments and subcommands

optparser: command line option parser

getopt: C-style command line option parser

logging: Python logging tool

logging.config: Log configuration

logging.handlers: log handler

getpass: simple password input

curses: terminal processing of character display

curses.textpad: text input field of curses program

curses.ascii: ASCII character set tool

curses.panel: Curses control stack extension

platform: access to the underlying platform authentication data

errno: standard error notation

ctypes: Python external function library


threading: thread-based parallelism

multiprocessing: process-based parallelism

concurrent: concurrent package

concurrent.futures: start parallel tasks

subprocess: subprocess management

sched: event scheduling

queue: synchronization queue

select: wait for I/O to complete

dummy_threading: Alternative to threading module (when _thread is not available)

_ thread: the underlying thread API (threading is based on it)

_ dummy_thread: Alternative to _thread module (when _thread is not available)

Inter-process communication

socket: low-level network interface

ssl: TLS/SSL filler for socket objects

asyncore: asynchronous socket processor

asynchat: Asynchronous socket command/response processor

signal: Asynchronous transaction signal processor

mmap: memory mapped file support

the Internet

email: Mail and MIME processing package

json: JSON encoding and decoding

mailcap: mailcap file processing

mailbox: multiple formats to control mailboxes

mimetypes: file name and MIME type mapping

base64: RFC3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 encoding

binhex: binhex4 file encoding and decoding

binascii: Conversion between binary code and ASCII code

quopri: MIMEquoted-encoding and decoding of printable data

uu: encoding and decoding of uuencode files

Internet Protocol and Support

webbrowser: Simple web browser controller

cgi: CGI support

cgitb: CGI script reverse tracking manager

wsgiref: WSGI tool and reference implementation

urllib: URL processing module

urllib.request: Open the extension library for URL connection

urllib.response: the response class of the urllib module

urllib.parse: parse URL into components

urllib.error: Exception class raised by urllib.request

urllib.robotparser: parser for robots.txt

http: HTTP module

http.client: HTTP protocol client

ftplib: FTP protocol client

poplib: POP protocol client

imaplib: IMAP4 protocol client

nntplib: NNTP protocol client

smtplib: SMTP protocol client

smtpd: SMTP server

telnetlib: Telnet client

uuid: UUID object of RFC4122

socketserver: web server framework

http.server: HTTP server

http.cookies: HTTPCookie state manager

http.cookiejar: Cookie processing of HTTP client

xmlrpc: XML-RPC server and client module

xmlrpc.client: XML-RPC client access

xmlrpc.server: XML-RPC server foundation

ipaddress: IPv4/IPv6 control library


audioop: Process raw audio data

aifc: Read and write AIFF and AIFC files

sunau: Read and write Sun AU files

wave: read and write WAV files

chunk: read IFF large files

colorsys: Conversion between color systems

imghdr: Specify the image type

sndhdr: Specify the sound file type

ossaudiodev: Access to OSS compatible audio devices


gettext: multilingual international service

locale: Internationalization service

Programming Framework

turtle: Turtle graphics library

cmd: line-based command interpreter support

shlex: simple dictionary analysis

Tk Graphical User Interface

tkinter: Tcl/Tk interface

tkinter.ttk: Tk theme control

tkinter.tix: Tk extension control

tkinter.scrolledtext: scroll text control

development tools

pydoc: Documentation generator and online help system

doctest: Interactive Python example

unittest: unit testing framework

unittest.mock: mock object library

test: Python regression test package

test.support: Python test tool suite

venv: virtual environment construction


bdb: debugging framework

faulthandler: Python reverse tracking library

pdb: Python debugger

timeit: measure the execution time of a small piece of code

trace: Python execution status tracking


sys: system-related parameters and functions

sysconfig: Access Python configuration information

builtins: built-in objects

main: top-level script environment

warnings: warning control

contextlib: context tool for with state

abc: virtual base class

atexit: export processor

traceback: print or read a stack traceback

future: future state definition

gc: Garbage collection interface

inspect: inspect live objects

site: site-related configuration hook (hook)

fpectl: floating point exception control

distutils: Generate and install Python modules


code: base class interpreter

codeop: Compile Python code

Import module

imp: access the inside of the import module

zipimport: Import modules from ZIP archive

pkgutil: package expansion tool

modulefinder: Find modules through scripts

runpy: locate and execute Python modules

importlib: an implementation of import

Python language

parser: access the Python parse tree

ast: abstract syntax tree

symtable: access to the compiler symbol table

symbol: Constants in the Python parse tree

token: Constant in the Python parse tree

keyword: Python keyword test

tokenize: Python source file tokenization

tabnany: fuzzy indentation detection

pyclbr: Python class browsing support

py_compile: Compile Python source files

compileall: Compile Python libraries by byte

dis: Disassembler for Python bytecode

pickletools: serialization development tools


formatter: general formatted output

Windows related

msilib: Read and write Windows Installer files

msvcrt: a useful program for MS VC + + Runtime

winreg: Windows registry access

winsound: Windows sound playback interface

Unix related

posix: The most commonly used POSIX call

pwd: password database

spwd: shadow password database

grp: group database

crypt: Unix password verification

termios: POSIX style tty control

tty: terminal control function

pty: pseudo terminal tool

fcntl: system calls fcntl() and ioctl()

pipes: shell pipe interface

resource: resource availability information

nis: Sun's NIS interface

syslog: Unix log service

The above is a brief summary of the various built-in modules of Python. You can bookmark this article and retrieve it later when you are working on a project. I hope this article can help you, and welcome to add some commonly used Python built-in modules.

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