Ubuntu uses cron to implement scheduled tasks

Windows comes with a tool to execute tasks regularly called "Scheduled Tasks". Under Linux, we use Cron to achieve this function.

Install cron service##

Start the cron service##

Edit plan file##

crontab -e

To open the crontab file that your user belongs to. The first time you use this command, you will be asked to choose a text editor. I chose vim. The selected editor is also available

You can also change select-editor by yourself every time

Restart cron service##

After each crontab is saved, we also need to restart cron to apply this scheduled task. Use the command: sudo service cron restart

Management Task Schedule File##

All cron task plans are recorded in the crontab task plan file, and the task file is managed through the crontab command.

$ crontab -u root -e     #Edit the scheduled task file of user root

$ crontab -e            #Edit the current user's scheduled task file

$ crontab -u root -l     #Display the scheduled task file of user root

$ crontab -l            #Display the current user's scheduled task file

$ crontab -r            #Delete the current user's scheduled task file

cron syntax format##

m h dom mon dow   command
0- 590- 231- 311- 120- 7 command

In addition, you need to use some special symbols to achieve flexible configuration:

Task example##

## Specify specific execution time
2**** ls    #Execute the ls command once every second minute of the hour
307*** ls    #Execute the ls command once every day at 7:30
3020**2 ls    #Every Tuesday, execute the ls command at 20:30 (0 and 7 indicate Sunday)

## Specify interval time
* /2**** ls    #Execute the ls command every 2 minutes

## Specify time period
3073- 6** ls    #Execute the ls command at 7:30 on the 3, 4, 5, and 6th of each month

## Specify multiple times
3073,6** ls    #Execute the ls command at 7:30 on the 3rd and 6th of each month

In addition, use run-parts to run all scripts in the specified directory (note that the script must be added "#!/bin/bash", otherwise run-parts will fail to call)

307*** run-parts /home   #Run every day at 7:30/All scripts in the home directory

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