Which one is better for you, Ubuntu or Fedora?

Ubuntu and Fedora are among the most popular Linux distributions. Choosing between Ubuntu and Fedora is not easy. I will compare the various features of Ubuntu and Fedora to help you make a decision.

Please note that this comparison is mainly made from a desktop perspective. I am not going to focus on Fedora or Ubuntu versions specific to containers.

**Ubuntu vs Fedora: Which is better? **

Ubuntu and FedoraAlmost all Linux distributions of Ubuntu and Fedora differ from each other in the following aspects:

Let us see how similar or different Ubuntu and Fedora are. Knowing this, perhaps it should be easier to make a choice.


The Ubiquity installer for Ubuntu is one of the simplest installers available. I believe it played an important role in the popularity of Ubuntu, because when Ubuntu was created in 2004, installing Linux itself was considered a daunting task.

The Ubuntu installer allows you to install Ubuntu in about 10 minutes. In most cases, it can identify the Windows installed on the system and allows you to start Ubuntu and Windows at the same time with a few clicks.

You can also install updates and third-party codecs when you install Ubuntu. This is an additional advantage.

Use Oracle VirtualBox to install Linux Ubuntu installer inside Windows, Fedora uses Anaconda installer. This also simplifies the installation process through the easy-to-use sister interface. However, I think the installation procedure for Ubuntu is simpler.

Fedora also provides a media writer tool for downloading and creating Fedora's real-time USB on the Windows operating system. About two years ago, when I tried to use it for the last time, it didn't work and I had to use regular real-time USB creation software.

In my experience, installing Ubuntu is easier than installing Fedora. This does not mean that installing Fedora is a complicated process. It's just that Ubuntu is simpler.

Desktop environment

By default, Ubuntu and Fedora both use the GNOME desktop environment.

When Fedora uses the existing GNOME desktop, Ubuntu has customized it to look and behave similarly to its previous Unity desktop.

Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME application menu Ubuntu customized GNOME desktop In addition to GNOME, Ubuntu and Fedora provide several other desktop versions.

Ubuntu has KubuntuXubuntu, Lubuntu, etc., providing various desktop styles. Although they are the official version of Ubuntu, they are not directly developed by Canonical's Ubuntu team. The teams are actually separate.

Fedora provides various desktop options in the form of Fedora Spins. It is different from Kubuntu, Lubuntu, etc. They are not created and maintained by a separate team, they are from the Fedora core team.

Package management and software availability

Ubuntu uses the APT package manager to provide and manage software (applications, libraries, and other required code), while Fedora uses the DNF package manager.

Ubuntu has a huge software repository that allows you to easily install thousands of FOSS and non-FOSS programs. On the other hand, Fedora focuses on providing only open source software. The situation is changing in the new version, but the Fedora repository is still not as large as the Ubuntu repository.

Some third-party software developers also provide software packages such as .exe for Linux. In Ubuntu, these packages are in .deb format, while Fedora supports .rpm packages.

Most software vendors provide DEB and RPM files for Linux users, but I have experienced that sometimes software vendors only provide DEB files. For example, the SEO tool Screaming Frog only has DEB packages, and there are very few RPMs other than DEB format software.

Hardware support

In general, Linux will encounter a lot of trouble when using certain WiFi adapters and graphics cards. Both Ubuntu and Fedora are affected by this.

Ubuntu provides an easy way to install other proprietary drivers. In many cases, this can provide better hardware support.

Software and update other drivers nvidia proprietary It is easier to install proprietary drivers in Ubuntu. On the other hand, Fedora insists on using open source software, so installing proprietary drivers on Fedora becomes a difficult task.

Support and user base

Both Ubuntu and Fedora provide support through community forums. Ubuntu has two main forums: UbuntuForums and Ask Ubuntu. Fedora has a main forum Ask Fedora.

In terms of user base, Fedora has a large following. However, Ubuntu is more popular than Fedora and has more followers.

The popularity of Ubuntu has prompted many websites and bloggers to pay attention to Ubuntu. In this way, you can get more troubleshooting skills and learning materials than Fedora.

Release cycle

A new Fedora version is released every six months, and each Fedora version is only supported for thirteen months. This means that an upgrade must be performed between 6 and 13 months. Upgrading the Fedora version is simple, but it does require a good Internet connection, and not everyone can be satisfied with the 1.5 GB version upgrade every nine months.

There are two versions of Ubuntu: the regular version and the long-term support (LTS) version. Fedora is released regularly, this version is released every six months and is supported for nine months.

The release interval of LTS is two years, and the support period is five years. The regular version brings new features and new software versions, while the LTS version retains the old version. This is a good choice for people who don't like frequent changes but like stability.

Solid foundation distribution

Ubuntu is based on Debian, which is one of the largest community projects in the free software world and one of the most respected projects in the free software world.

Fedora is a community project of Red Hat. Red Hat is a Linux distribution for enterprises. Before the inclusion of new features in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora served as a "test ground" (upstream of technical terms) for new features.

Supported companies

Both Ubuntu and Fedora are supported by their parent company. Ubuntu is from Canonical, and Fedora is from Red Hat (now part of IBM). Enterprise support is important because it ensures that the Linux distribution is well maintained.

The distribution of amateurs created by a group of people often crashes under workload. You may have seen quite popular distribution projects closed for this reason. In many such cases, Antergos and Korora are just a few of them, because the developers did not have enough free time to work on the project, so the release was interrupted.

The fact that both Linux-based companies support Ubuntu and Fedora makes it a viable option for other independent distributions.

Ubuntu vs Fedora

As a server so far, the comparison between Ubuntu and Fedora is mainly for desktop users. However, the discussion about Linux is incomplete until the server is included.

Ubuntu server Ubuntu server Ubuntu is not only popular on desktops, but also has a good performance on the server side. If you are familiar with the Ubuntu desktop version, you should not feel uncomfortable with the Ubuntu server version. Starting from the Ubuntu desktop, my website is now hosted on a Linux server running Ubuntu.

Fedora also has a server version, and some people also use it. But most system administrators don't want to upgrade and restart the server every 9 months.

Understanding Fedora can help you use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). RHEL is a paid product and you must purchase a subscription. If you want an operating system for running servers close to Fedora/Red Hat, I suggest you use CentOS. CentOS is also a community project of Red Hat, but the project focuses on servers.

in conclusion

As you can see, Ubuntu and Fedora are similar in some respects. Ubuntu is a leader in software availability, driver installation and online support. These all make Ubuntu a better choice, especially for inexperienced Linux users.

If you want to be familiar with Red Hat, then Fedora is a good starting point. If you have some experience with Linux, or just want to use open source software, then Fedora is a good choice.

In the end, the decision whether to use Fedora or Ubuntu is entirely up to you. I recommend creating two distributions of real-time USB, or trying them in a virtual machine.

What is your opinion on Ubuntu and Fedora? Which distribution method do you prefer and why? Please share your views in the comments section.

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