ubuntu iptables firewall guide

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Introduction to iptables#

Netfilter/iptables is integrated with the kernel, and there is no such thing as start/stop or disable. You can use the iptables command to create filter rules. (Now the newer kernel is integrated by default, no need to install separately)

And ufw is a tool for simplifying iptables configuration on ubuntu. It defines a series of rules and adds them to iptables. So when ufw is enabled, you can see a series of ufw type words in iptables rules. These specific rules defined by ufw are under /etc/ufw/*.rules.

The following is suitable for Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS

Basic commands#

View help:

iptables -h

View filter rules##

sudo iptables -vnL --line-numbers

The same chain is matched from top to bottom, so num is very important;

Create a new iptables rule without affecting existing connections;

Save the created rules to file##

iptables-save >/etc/iptables.up.rules

Recovering rules from files##

/sbin/iptables-restore </etc/iptables.up.rules

You can also add the last command to /etc/rc.local to restore the rules when the system restarts

Full command rules#

iptables [-t table] command chain [match][-j target]

The following is an explanation of the main parameters of each command.

- t table, table has four options, the default is filter:

command, defines how to write rules:

chain, netfilter can filter in five positions:

match: Matching rules. The commonly used rules are as follows, and multiple matching rules can be used in parallel:

target: the operation/response performed, the following are common:

Practical example#

Open a tcp port##

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22-j ACCEPT

Delete a rule##

Rule 1 is deleted here

sudo iptables -t filter -D FORWARD 1

Add a nat record##

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s MASQUERADE

Save and restore iptables

sudo iptables-save >./iptables.bak
sudo iptables-restore <./iptables.bak


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