Ubuntu18.04 installation Anaconda3 and VSCode guide


Taking advantage of the weekend, I installed my old computer at home as an ubuntu system. Install Anaconda3 and VSCode today and record it.

Install VSCode

  1. Download the installation package on the official website
  2. In the installation package directory, run sudo dpkg -i code_1.24.1-1528912196_amd64.deb

  1. It is best to install VSCode and change the language (install the Chinese plug-in and set Configure Display Language to zh-CN)

Download Anaconda3

Download address: 1. Download from the official website. 2. Download from Tsinghua source. The second method downloads faster.

Tsinghua University source address: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/archive/

Version selection: I downloaded anaconda3-5.3.1 corresponding to python3.7

Install Anaconda3

  1. Open the terminal and cd to the .sh file directory (usually in Downloads)
  2. Run command
  3. The first interface is the registration information, enter yes, then press Enter, enter to read the registration information, until the next place where you need to enter yes
  4. Confirm the installation location, enter yes
  5. Ask whether to add environment variables, enter yes
  6. Ask if you want to install VSCode, this is all you need.

Configure VSCode

You can refer to my previous tweets for this part.

After configuration, you can write Python in VSCode of ubuntu

Add environment variables

At this point, you can write and run python programs in VSCode, but you cannot use the pip and conda commands in the terminal because the environment variables are not modified.

Please install Vim before proceeding with this step. Installation method:

sudo apt-get install vim

First use Vim to open the file, enter the following command in the terminal

vim ~/.bashrc

Then press a to enter edit mode, add at the end

export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

After editing, press ESC, enter :wq to save and exit.

Finally, restart the environment variables.

source ~/.bashrc

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