The examples in this article share the specific code of python to realize the face sign-in system for your reference. The specific content is as follows
Simple face sign-in/sign-out system
The administrator can input face operations and export various check-in status tables;
Ordinary students can only perform check-in and check-out operations with [Face Recognition] (
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image #pillow
import pyttsx3
import sys
import test.student_sql as connect #Import py
import test.recognizer_sql as baseConnect #Import py
import time
import json
def makeDir(engine):
flag=0if not os.path.exists("face_trainer"):print("Create a pre-training environment")
engine.say('The first boot is detected, the environment is not detected, the environment is being created')
engine.say('Creating pre-training environment')
engine.say('Created successfully')
flag=1if not os.path.exists("Facedata"):print("Create a training environment")
engine.say('Creating training environment')
engine.say('Created successfully')
flag=1return flag
def getFace(cap,path_id):
# Call the notebook built-in camera, so the parameter is 0, if there are other cameras, you can adjust the parameters to 1, 2
# cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
# xml file is its own file path
face_detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(r'F:\npyWorkspace\venv\Lib\site-packages\cv2\data\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')
# face_id =input('\n enter user id:')print('\n Initializing face capture. Look at the camera and wait ...')
count =0while True:
# Read picture from camera
sucess, img =
# Convert to grayscale image
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Face detection
faces = face_detector.detectMultiScale(gray,1.3,5)for(x, y, w, h)in faces:
cv2.rectangle(img,(x, y),(x+w, y+w),(255,0,0))
count +=1
# Save image
cv2.imwrite("Facedata/User."+str(path_id)+'.'+str(count)+'.jpg', gray[y: y + h, x: x + w])
cv2.imshow('image', img)
# Keep the picture continuing.
k = cv2.waitKey(1)if k ==27: #Exit camera by esc key
elif count =100: #Exit the camera after getting 1000 samples
def getImagesAndLabels(path, detector):
imagePaths =[os.path.join(path, f)for f in os.listdir(path)] #The role of join function
faceSamples =[]
ids =[]for imagePath in imagePaths:
PIL_img ='L') # convert it to grayscale
img_numpy = np.array(PIL_img,'uint8')
id =int(os.path.split(imagePath)[-1].split(".")[1])
faces = detector.detectMultiScale(img_numpy)for(x, y, w, h)in faces:
faceSamples.append(img_numpy[y:y + h, x: x + w])
ids.append(id)return faceSamples, ids
def trainFace():
# Face data path
path ='Facedata'
recognizer = cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create()
detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(r'F:\npyWorkspace\venv\Lib\site-packages\cv2\data\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')print('Training faces. It will take a few seconds. Wait ...')
faces, ids =getImagesAndLabels(path, detector)
recognizer.train(faces, np.array(ids))
recognizer.write(r'face_trainer\trainer.yml')print("{0} faces trained. Exiting Program".format(len(np.unique(ids))))
def checkFace(cam,names,engine,sign_flag):
sex ={"female":"Ms","male":"Mr"}
recognizer = cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create()'face_trainer/trainer.yml')
cascadePath = r"F:\npyWorkspace\venv\Lib\site-packages\cv2\data\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascadePath)
idnum =0
names =['yumengzhen','dujuanjuan','litingting','kangming','wangyizhe']
# cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
minW =0.1* cam.get(3)
minH =0.1* cam.get(4)while True:
ret, img =
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(
minSize=(int(minW),int(minH)))for(x, y, w, h)in faces:
cv2.rectangle(img,(x, y),(x + w, y + h),(0,255,0),2)
idnum, confidence = recognizer.predict(gray[y:y + h, x:x + w])if confidence <100:
Name =connect.readName(idnum) #connect incoming ID student information table found return name
Sex =connect.readSex(idnum) #Connect ID student information table found and return Sex
StudentID =connect.readStudentID(idnum) #Connect ID student information table found to return studentID
# idnum = names[idnum] #Use the database to read the name corresponding to the id in the student information table
confidence ="{0}%".format(round(100- confidence))if sign_flag=='0': #Sign in
say(engine,"welcome"+Name+ sex[Sex]+"Sign in successfully")
baseConnect.insertd(idnum,Name,StudentID,Sex) #Insert check-in information into the check-in table
print("welcome"+Name+ sex[Sex]+"Sign in successfully")else:say(engine,"welcome "+Name+ sex[Sex]+"Sign out successfully")
baseConnect.insertt(idnum,Name,StudentID,Sex) #Insert check-out information in the check-in table
print("welcome"+Name+ sex[Sex]+"Sign out successfully")
idnum ="unknown"
confidence ="{0}%".format(round(100- confidence))
cv2.putText(img,str(idnum),(x +5, y -5), font,1,(0,0,255),1)
cv2.putText(img,str(confidence),(x +5, y + h -5), font,1,(0,0,0),1)
cv2.imshow('camera', img)
k = cv2.waitKey(10)if k ==27:break
def say(engine,str):
def admission(): #Input information module
# names ={"yumengzhen":0,"dujuanjuan":1,"litingting":2}say(engine,"Please enter your student ID")
StudentID =input("Please enter student ID:")
# Read the database information table to retrieve the ID corresponding to Name
ID=connect.readIDbaseStudentID(StudentID) #connect input name student information table to find the return ID
if ID==-1:#The student was not found. Insert student information
while True:say(engine,"The student information was not found. Enter 0 Register 1 Re-enter")
op=input("\n If the student information is not found, enter the number 0 Registered student information 1 Re-enter")if op=='0':
Name,studentID,Sex=input("Enter student information: Name studentID Sex").split()
connect.insert(Name,studentID,Sex) #Insert student information
StudentID =input("Please enter student ID:")
ID=connect.readIDbaseStudentID(StudentID) #connect input name student information table to find the return ID
if ID!=-1:breaksay(engine,"Opening camera")
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)say(engine,"Look at the camera and start collecting face data")getFace(cam, ID) #What is actually passed in is id
cam.release()if __name__ =='__main__':
names ={"yumengzhen":0,"dujuanjuan":1,"litingting":2}
password="123456" #password
engine = pyttsx3.init()
rate = engine.getProperty('rate')
engine.setProperty('rate', rate -20)
# trainFace()while True:if flag==1:
flag =0say(engine,"No face information for the first use")say(engine,"Whether to enter new face information")say(engine,"Enter 0 means to enter other means to exit")
value =input("0: Yes or other: No")if value=='0':while True:admission()say(engine,"Do you want to continue to enter new face information")say(engine,"Enter 0 means to enter other means to exit")
firstflag =input("0: Yes other: exit")if firstflag !='0':breaksay(engine,"After collecting, start training")trainFace()say(engine,"Finished training")
# say(engine,"Please choose login method")say(engine,"Enter 0 manager mode 1 to enter sign in/Sign-out mode 2 Exit student sign-in system")
user=input("\n0:Manager mode 1:Sign in/Sign out mode 2:Exit student sign-in system\n")if user=='0':say(engine,"Enter the administrator password")
pd=input("\nEnter the administrator password:\n")
count=1while True:if count==3:say(engine,"Enter the wrong password more than 3 times to force exit")breakif password == pd:say(engine,"Administrator mode")
# say(engine,"Enter the number 0 to export the sign-in table 1 to export the personal sign-in table 2 to export the time length table 3 to export the information table 4 to enter the face information 5 to exit")
op =input("\n0:Export all classmates sign-in table 1:Export personal sign-in form 2:Export all personnel time table 3:Export student information table 4 Enter face information 5 Exit\n")if op =='0':
baseConnect.sign()#Export check-in form
say(engine,"Export sign-in table successfully")
elif op =='1':say(engine,"Enter the student ID of the exported student")
StudentID=input("Enter the student ID of the exported student")
ID=connect.readIDbaseStudentID(StudentID)if ID==-1:say(engine,"No student information")else:
baseConnect.peoson_sign(StudentID)#Export personal sign-in form
Name =connect.readName(ID) #connect incoming ID student information table found return name
say(engine,"Export"+Name+"Information success")
elif op =='2':
baseConnect.total_time()#Export time table
say(engine,"Export duration table successfully")
elif op =='3':
# Export student information table
connect.find_student_all()say(engine,"Export student information successfully")
elif op =='4':while True:admission()say(engine,"Do you want to continue to enter new face information")say(engine,"Enter 0 means to enter other means to exit")
secondflag =input("0: Yes other: exit")if secondflag !='0':breaksay(engine,"After collecting, start training")trainFace()say(engine,"Finished training")
elif op =='5':say(engine,"Exited administrator mode")breakelse:say(engine,"The input form is wrong, please re-enter")else:say(engine,"Please re-enter the wrong password")
pd =input("\nEnter the administrator password:\n")
count +=1;
elif user=='1':say(engine,"Welcome to sign in the student system/Sign out mode")
sign_flag=0;while True:say(engine,"Enter the number 0 to sign in 1 to sign out")
sign_flag =input("\n0:Sign in 1 Sign out\n")if sign_flag=='1' or sign_flag=='0':breakelse:say(engine,"Please enter the correct input form")say(engine,"Start face recognition")say(engine,"Opening camera")
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)checkFace(cam, names, engine,sign_flag)
elif user=='2':say(engine,"Information saved")say(engine,"Goodbye")
sys.exit(0)else:say(engine,"Input errors, please re-enter")
import pymssql as py
import pandas as pd
# Connect to database, create student table, perform table query, table entry
server ="DESKTOP-XXX"#The server address to connect to your database
user ="sa"#Connect account
password ="123"#Connection password
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor = conn.cursor() #Get cursor
# Create table
IF OBJECT_ID('students','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE students
CREATE TABLE students(
name VARCHAR(100),
StudentID INT,
Sex VARCHAR(100))""")
# Create the table when you run it for the first time, and then you don’t need to build it again
def insert(Name, studentID, Sex):
count_students =0try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(' select count(ID) from students')for row in cursor:
count_students = row[0]print(row[0])
cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO students VALUES (%d, %s, %d,%s)",[(count_students+1, Name, studentID, Sex)])
# You must call commit()To keep your data submitted if you don’t set auto-submit to true
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")
except py.OperationalError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")
# Export student information table
def find_student_all():try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
sql ="select * from students"
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")
# find_student_all()
def readName(idnum):
Name =-1try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(' select Name from students where ID='+str(idnum))for row in cursor:if row[0]!=[]:
Name = row[0]
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")return Name
def readIDbaseStudentID(StudentID):
ID =-1try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(' select ID from students where StudentID='+str(StudentID))for row in cursor:if row[0]!=[]:
ID = row[0]
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")return ID
def readSex(idnum):
Sex =-1try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(' select Sex from students where ID='+str(idnum))for row in cursor:if row[0]!=[]:
Sex = row[0]
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")return Sex
def readID(name):
# Multiple id
ID =-1try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(' select ID from students where name='+'\''+str(name)+'\'')for row in cursor:if row[0]!=[]:
ID = row[0]
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")return ID
def readStudentID(idnum):
StudentID =-1try:
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor =conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(' select StudentID from students where ID='+str(idnum))for row in cursor:if row[0]!=[]:
StudentID = row[0]
except py.InterfaceError:print("Database connection error")
except py.ProgrammingError:print("Data error, please check the entered data")return StudentID
# Close the connection
# conn.close()
# # Note: At any time, under a connection, only one cursor object will appear for a database operation being performed
import pymssql as py
import time
import pandas as pd
server ="DESKTOP-XXXX"#Connection server address
user ="sa" #Connect account
password ="123" #Connection password
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor = conn.cursor() #Get cursor
def insertd(idnum,Name,StudentID,Sex): #Sign in
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
timenow = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO qiandao VALUES (%d, %s,%d,%s, %s, %s, %s,%d )",(idnum,Name,StudentID,Sex,timenow,'0','0',0))
# Must call commit()To keep the data submitted
def insertt(idnum,Name,StudentID,Sex): #Sign out
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT starttime FROM qiandao WHERE ID=%s and flag=%d",(idnum,0))
starttimeget = cursor.fetchone()
sat =str(tuple(starttimeget))
timenow = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
timeArray = time.strptime(sat,"('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',)")
timeStamp =int(time.mktime(timeArray))
timecout = time.time()- timeStamp
m, s =divmod(timecout,60)
h, m =divmod(m,60)
timepass =str(h)+'hour'+str(m)+'minute'+str(s)+'second'print(timepass)
cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO qiandao VALUES (%d, %s,%d,%s, %s, %s, %s,%d )",[(idnum,Name,StudentID,Sex,'0', timenow, timepass,1)])
def peoson_sign(StudentID):#Export student information table_According to the student number
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql ="select * from qiandao where StudentID="+str(StudentID)
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
# peoson_sign(2016002105)
def sign():#Export check-in form
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql ="select * from qiandao"
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.to_excel(r'E:\01STUDY\20190701\work\openVersion\excel\sign_all.xlsx', index=False)print('ok')
# sign()
def total_time():#Export time table#sign()
conn = py.connect(server, user, password,"student_message") #Get connection
cursor = conn.cursor()
sql ="select * from qiandao where convert(nvarchar(max),count) != convert(nvarchar(max),0)"
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.to_excel(r'E:\01STUDY\20190701\work\openVersion\excel\total_time.xlsx', index=False)print('ok')
# if __name__=='__main':
# sign()
# # peoson_sign(2016002105)
For more learning materials, please pay attention to the topic "Management System Development".
The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.
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