Python realizes image recognition car function

The example in this article shares the specific code of python to realize the image recognition of the car for your reference. The specific content is as follows

Ready to work

1、 Log in to the developer console

2、 Install pip install baidu-aip module


from aip import AipImageClassify

# Fill in the three parameters obtained in Baidu Yunchuang's instance application below
APP_ID ='1***7'
API_KEY ='U***O'
SECRET_KEY ='****'
client =AipImageClassify(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)

# Open the picture file and read the binary picture information
def get_file_content(file_path):withopen(file_path,'rb')as f:return

image =get_file_content('111.jpg')"""
 Call vehicle identification
# {" top_num":1}Represents the first of multiple models returned

# Call the carDectect method of the client object
print(client.carDetect(image, options={"top_num":1})["result"][0]["name"])

Show results

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