Recommendations of a few websites for learning Python


GitHub is a hosting platform for open source and private software projects. You can find many open source learning projects on it, and maintain it by yourself after fork.

Recommend a python learning project: Awesome Python, Awesome Python is known as the most comprehensive python resource project, a variety of selected Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. awesome-python now has more than 80,000 Stars, and its popularity is evident.

Liao Xuefeng's Python Getting Started Tutorial

Teacher Liao Xuefeng's programming tutorials are very good, support online operation, from basic to advanced, including basic grammar, object-oriented programming knowledge, error debugging, unit testing, multi-process, coroutine, network programming and other advanced knowledge points.


There are also many free python tutorials on MOOC. Basic learning is definitely enough.

Station B

There are too many treasure tutorials on station B. In addition to python, there are many other learning resources. Look for it yourself, there is always one that suits you.

Little turtle zero-based entry to learn Python

The most popular Python introductory course at station B.

Python tutorial _600 episodes Python from entry to master tutorial

Python official website

Finally, the documents on the official website are the most suitable materials for self-study. In fact, many tutorials originated here. It is recommended to read the English document, but it is not good, install a translation plug-in, basically you can understand the same.

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