CentOS mirror types


This DVD image includes all the installation packages that can be installed with the installer. This is the recommended image for most users.


This image is used to install from the network or to rescue the system. When installing the system, the installer will ask where to obtain the installation package. It is recommended for users who have a centos local image.


This mirror contains a complete set of centos7 software packages, which can be used to install the system or fill the local mirror. This mirror requires a double-sided DVD or a U disk with 8G or more.

CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-GnomeLive.iso CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-KdeLive.iso (each size is about 1G):

These two mirrors are real-time images of centos, with different names showing different display managers (ie GNOME or KDE)
They can be used to explore or test the environment of centos7. They generally do not change the hard disk environment unless you install it in a live environment. This image needs to be installed using yum under the installed system. .


This image is a bit like GNOMElive above, but there is no installation package like libreoffice. This image is small enough to be easily burned on a cd. .


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