Install Harbor mirror warehouse under CentOS

Need to rely on Python 2.7 or above, Docker engine 1.10 or above, and Docker Compose 1.6.0 or above.
Note: CentOS 7.2 comes with Python 2.7.5

Install Harbor
Download the offline installation package

Unzip the installation package tar xvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.7.4.tgz
Modify the configuration file harbor.cfg

The required parameters are:

  1. hostname: The hostname of the target host, used to access the UI and register services. Cannot use localhost and, because harbor needs to be accessed by external clients, I changed it to an IP address here.
  2. ui_url_protocol: The protocol used to access the UI and token/notification service. The default is http. If SSL authentication is enabled on Nginx, it can be set to https. I used the default http here.
  3. max_job_workers: The maximum number of replicated workers in the job service. The default value is 50 here. Considering the performance of my server, I modified it to 5.
  4. customize_crt: set to on, the prepare script creates the private key and root certificate used to generate/verify the registry token. If set to off, the key and root certificate will be provided by an external source, and I set it to on.
  5. ssl_cert: The location of the SSL certificate. This property will only take effect when the protocol is set to https.
  6. ssl_cert_key: The location of the SSL key. This property will only take effect when the protocol is set to https.
  7. secretkey_path: The path where the password is stored, it is best not to modify it here, otherwise an error will be reported later, I modified it to /data/.
  8. log_rotate_count: The number of log files retained. After reaching the maximum value, previous logs will be deleted circularly.
  9. log_rotate_size: The size of each log. To save space, I set a maximum of 5 logs, each with a maximum of 200MB.
  10. db_password: The root password of the MySQL database used for DB authentication.
  11. harbor_admin_password: set the password of admin, the default is Harbor12345

Run prepare to update the parameters. /prepare

Start the installation, execute ./ to install

After installation, visit http://ip

have a test
docker pull hello-world
docker tag hello-world
docker push
Please refer to for reporting port 443 issues

Push mirror failed, report denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Solution: In this case, log in to the harbor warehouse. If the login is successful, it will be OK.
docker login
Username: admin
Login Succeeded

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop
start up:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml start

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