Python implements singly linked lists and dictionaries

This article records the code for implementing singly linked lists and dictionaries using Python exercises

Directory Structure:

.|- - demo
||- -
||- - src
|||- -
|||- -

Single list:

# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
#"""Linked list node"""

 def __init__(self, item, next=None):
  self.item = item = next

classSignleLiknedList():"""Singly linked list"""

 def __init__(self):
  self.__header: LinkedListNode = None
  self.__current_node: LinkedListNode = None
  self.__count: int =0

 def add(self, node: LinkedListNode)-> None:
  self.__count +=1if self.__header is None:
   self.__header = node
   self.__current_node = self.__header
   return = node
  self.__current_node = node

 def remove(self, node: LinkedListNode)-> bool:if node is None:return False
  if node is self.__header:
   self.__header = None
   self.__count -=1return True
  prev_node = self.__header
  for item in self.nodes():if node is item: =
    if node is self.__current_node:
     self.__current_node = prev_node
    node = None
    self.__count -=1return True
   prev_node = item
  return False

 def clear(self):
  self.__header = None
  self.__current_node = None

 def nodes(self):if self.__header is None:return None
  cur = self.__header
  while cur is not None:yield cur
   cur =

 @ property
 def header(self):return self.__header

 @ property
 def tail(self):return self.__current_node

 @ property
 def count(self):return self.__count


# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
# demo.src.my_linked_list import(SignleLiknedList, LinkedListNode)classMyDict():"""Implement dictionary structure yourself, not thread safe"""
 __ factor =0.75

 def __init__(self, value_type: type, capacity: int):if value_type is None or type(value_type) is not type:
   raise ValueError(value_type)if capacity <=0:
   raise ValueError(capacity)
  self.__value_type = value_type
  self.__capacity = capacity
  self.__count =0
  self.__buckets =[None for i inrange(0, capacity)]

 @ property
 def count(self)-> int:return self.__count

 def add(self, key, value)-> None:
  __ entry =__Entry(0,'','')iftype(value) is not self.__value_type:
   raise TypeError
  key_hash =hash(key)
  bucket_no = key_hash % self.__capacity
  if self.__buckets[bucket_no] is None:
  entry_list: SignleLiknedList = self.__buckets[bucket_no]

  node = self.__get_entry(key)if node is None:
   entry =_Entry(key_hash, key, value)
   self.__count +=1else:
   node.item.value = value

  if entry_list.count > self.__factor*self.__capacity:

 def get(self, key: str):
  node = self.__get_entry(key)return None if node is None else node.item.value

 def remove(self, key):
  key_hash =hash(key)
  bucket_no = key_hash % self.__capacity
  entry_list = self.__buckets[bucket_no]
  node = self.__get_entry(key)
  remove_result = entry_list.remove(node)if remove_result:
   self.__count -=1return remove_result

 def __reset(self):
  old_cap = self.__capacity
  self.__capacity =2*self.__capacity
  new_buckets =[None for i inrange(0, self.__capacity)]for i inrange(0, old_cap):
   entry_list = self.__buckets[i]if entry_list is None:continuefor node in entry_list.nodes():
    new_bucket_no = node.item.hash_code % self.__capacity
    if new_buckets[new_bucket_no] is None:
    new_entry_list = new_buckets[new_bucket_no]
  self.__buckets = new_buckets

 def __get_entry(self, key)-> LinkedListNode:if key is None:
   raise ValueError
  iftype(key) is not str:
   raise TypeError
  key_hash =hash(key)
  bucket_no = key_hash % self.__capacity
  entry_list = self.__buckets[bucket_no]if entry_list is None:return None
  for node in entry_list.nodes():if node.item.hash_code == key_hash and node.item.key == key:return node
  return None

 def __init__(self, hash_code: int, key: str, value):
  self.__hash_code = hash_code
  self.__key = key
  self.__value = value

 @ property
 def key(self):return self.__key

 @ property
 def value(self):return self.__value

 @ value.setter
 def value(self, value):
  self.__value = value

 @ property
 def hash_code(self):return self.__hash_code

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