Python implements threshold regression

The basic idea of the Threshold Regressive Model (TR model or TRM) is to use the control function of the threshold variable. When the predictor data is given, the threshold value of the threshold variable first determines the control function according to the threshold value of the threshold variable. Use different forecasting equations to try to explain various phenomena like jumps and sudden changes. Its essence is to classify the forecasting problems according to the value of the state space, and use the piecewise linear regression model to describe the overall nonlinear forecasting problem.

The modeling step of multiple threshold regression is the process of confirming the threshold variables, calibrating the threshold number L, the threshold value and the regression coefficient. For the convenience of calculation, two divisions (ie L=2) are used to illustrate the modeling steps of the model.

The basic steps are as follows (with code):

  1. Read the data and calculate the correlation coefficient matrix between the forecast object and the forecast factor.
Data read
# Use pandas to read csv, the data read is a DataFrame object
data = pd.read_csv('jl.csv')
# Convert DataFrame object to array,The first column of the array is the data number, the last column is the forecast object, and the middle columns are the forecast factors
data= data.values.copy()
# print(data)
# Calculate the cross-correlation coefficient, the parameters are the predictor sequence and the lag time k
def get_regre_coef(X,Y,k):
 # Calculate the mean value of forecast factors and forecast objects
 X_mean = np.mean(X)
 Y_mean = np.mean(Y)for i inrange(len(X)-k):
 S_xy +=(X[i]- X_mean)*(Y[i+k]- Y_mean)for i inrange(len(X)):
 S_xx +=pow(X[i]- X_mean,2)
 S_yy +=pow(Y[i]- Y_mean,2)return S_xy/pow(S_xx*S_yy,0.5)
# Calculate the correlation coefficient matrix
def regre_coef_matrix(data):
 row=data.shape[1]#Number of columns
 # print(row)for i inrange(1,row-1):
 r_matrix[0,i-1]=get_regre_coef(data[:,i],data[:,row-1],1)#Lag time is 1 return r_matrix
# print(r_matrix)
### Output###
  1. The correlation coefficients are sorted, and the factor with the largest correlation coefficient is used as the threshold element.
# Sort the correlation coefficient and find the largest correlation coefficient as the threshold element
def get_menxiannum(r_matrix):
 row=r_matrix.shape[1]#Number of columns
 for i inrange(row):if r_matrix.max()==r_matrix[0,i]:return i+1return-1
# print(m)
## Output##The fifth factor has the largest correlation coefficient
  1. Reorder the data according to the selected threshold element factor.
# Sort the factor sequence according to the threshold element,m is the serial number of the threshold variable
def resort_bymenxian(data,m):
 data=data.tolist()#Convert to list
 data.sort(key=lambda x: x[m])#List according to m+1 column to sort(Ascending)
 data=np.array(data)return data
data=resort_bymenxian(data,m)#Get the sorted sequence array
  1. The sorted sequence is divided into two segments according to the threshold element, the first segment is 1 data, the second segment is n-1 (n is the sample capacity) data; the second segment is 2 data, The second segment of n-2 data, one-time analogy, respectively calculate the divided F statistic and select the segmentation point of the threshold element corresponding to the largest statistic as the threshold.
def get_var(x):return x.std()**2* x.size #Calculate the total variance
# Calculation of statistic F,The input data is the forecast object data sorted according to the threshold element
def get_F(Y):
 col=Y.shape[0]#Number of rows, sample size
 FF=np.ones((1,col-1))#Store statistics of different split points
 V=get_var(Y)#Calculate the total variance
 for i inrange(1,col):#1 to col-1
 S=get_var(Y[0:i])+get_var(Y[i:col])#Calculate the sum of variance within two segments
 FF[0,i-1]=F#At this step, it is necessary to judge whether the F test is passed, and the F statistic is retained only after passing
 return FF
def get_index(FF,element):#Get the index of the first occurrence of element in a one-dimensional array FF
 i=-1for item in FF.flat:
 i+=1if item==element:return i
f_index=get_index(FF,np.max(FF))#Get the largest index of the statistic F
# print(data[f_index,m-1])#The threshold element is the fifth factor, and the threshold value is 121 when substituted into the index
  1. The data sequence is divided into two segments with the threshold as the dividing point, and multiple linear regression is performed respectively. Here, the linear regression module in the sklearn.linear_model module is used. Substituting the predictive factors to calculate the predicted values of the two segments respectively.
# Divide the new data sequence into two parts with the threshold as the dividing point, and perform multiple regression calculations respectively
def data_excision(data,f_index):
 data2=data[f_index:data.shape[0],:]return data1,data2
# First paragraph
def get_XY(data):
 # Array slice to assign values to variables
 Y = data[:, data.shape[1]-1] #The forecast object is in the last column
 X = data[:,1:data.shape[1]-1]#Predictor from the second column to the penultimate column
 return X, Y
# print('First paragraph')
# print(regs.coef_)#Output regression coefficient
# print(regs.score(X,Y))#Output correlation coefficient
# Calculate predicted value
# print('Second paragraph')
# print(regs.coef_)#Output regression coefficient
# print(regs.score(X,Y))#Output correlation coefficient
# Calculate predicted value
  1. The predicted value and the actual value are re-sorted according to the year number, the order is restored, and the matplotlib module is used to make a comparison chart between the predicted value and the actual value.
# Recovery order
# print(Y.shape)
# Visualization of forecast results
plt.title('Comparison of predicted and measured values',fontsize=20,fontname='Times New Roman')#Add title
plt.xlabel('Years',color='gray')#Add x-axis label
plt.ylabel('Average traffic in December',color='gray')#Add y-axis label
plt.legend(['Predicted values','Measured values'])#Add legend

Result graph:

Data used: Quoted from "Modern Medium and Long-term Hydrological Forecasting Methods and Applications" by Zhang Shiming, Tang Chengyou's official article

num x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 y
1960 308 301 352 310 149 80.5
1961 182 186 165 127 70 42.9
1962 195 134 134 97 61 43.9
1963 136 378 334 307 148 87.4
1964 230 630 332 161 100 66.6
1965 225 333 209 365 152 82.9
1966 296 225 317 527 228 111
1967 324 229 176 317 153 79.3
1968 278 230 352 317 143 82
1969 662 442 453 381 188 103
1970 187 136 103 129 74.7 43
1971 284 404 600 327 161 92.2
1972 427 430 843 448 236 144
1973 258 404 639 275 156 98.9
1974 113 160 128 177 77.2 50.1
1975 143 300 333 214 106 63
1976 113 74 193 241 107 58.6
1977 204 140 154 90 55.1 40.2
1978 174 445 351 267 120 70.3
1979 93 95 197 214 94.9 64.3
1980 214 250 354 385 178 73
1981 232 676 483 218 113 72.6
1982 266 216 146 112 82.8 61.4
1983 210 433 803 301 166 115
1984 261 702 512 291 153 97.5
1985 197 178 238 180 94.2 58.9
1986 442 256 623 310 146 84.3
1987 136 99 253 232 114 62
1988 256 226 185 321 151 80.1
1989 473 409 300 298 141 79.6
1990 277 291 639 302 149 84.6
1991 372 181 174 104 68.8 58.4
1992 251 142 126 95 59.4 51.4
1993 181 125 130 240 121 64
1994 253 278 216 182 124 82.4
1995 168 214 265 175 101 68.1
1996 98.8 97 92.7 88 56.7 45.6
1997 252 385 313 270 119 78.8
1998 242 198 137 114 71.9 51.8
1999 268 178 127 109 68.6 53.3
2000 86.2 286 233 133 77.8 58.6
2001 150 168 122 93 62.8 42.9
2002 180 150 97.8 78 48.2 41.9
2003 166 203 166 124 70 53.7
2004 400 202 126 158 92.7 54.7
2005 79.8 82.6 129 160 76.6 53.7

The above python threshold regression method is all the content shared by the editor, I hope to give you a reference.

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