Centos install security dog can be completed in 5 steps

Security Dog is a server management software developed for servers. The client's server is centos 64-bit. Let's take a look at how to install it. First, you must have root account privileges, otherwise the following steps may not be performed. Let's operate with ytkah

  1. Download the safety dog
wget http://down.safedog.cn/safedog_linux64.tar.gz
  1. Unzip the installation package
tar xzvf safedog_linux64.tar.gz
  1. At this time, there will be an additional folder directory, enter this directory
cd safedog_an_linux64_2.8.2**7
  1. Grant certain permissions
chmod +x *.py
  1. Start the installation
. /install.py

At this time, it may be prompted that the installation cannot be performed, please refer to this article [Solution of Need system command'locate' to install safedog for linux] (https://www.cnblogs.com/ytkah/p/11975373.html)

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