Detailed steps to install and configure k8s cluster in centos 7

Configuration background introduction

kubernetes is Google's open source container cluster management system. It provides functions such as application deployment, maintenance, and expansion mechanism. Using kubernetes can facilitate the management of cross-cluster containerized applications, referred to as k8s (there are 8 letters between k and s)

Why use kubernetes such a complicated docker cluster management tool? I first came into contact with docker's built-in swarm, this tool is very simple and quick to complete the docker cluster function. However, when using the built-in swarm of docker1.13 as a cluster, I encountered VIP[Load Balancing] ( not correctly mapping the port to the external network, or the address was occupied. This is not good for the high availability requirements. However, I didn't find a solution, so I could only switch to k8s.

lab environment


yum-config-manager --add-repo 
yum makecache fast 
yum -y install docker-engine-1.13.1 
yum install epel-release -y 
yum remove -y docker-engine* 
yum install -y kubernetes etcd docker flannel 

Modify configuration file

Note that the below is replaced with your own server ip

sed -i "s/localhost:2379/"/etc/etcd/etcd.conf

sed -i "s/localhost:2380/"/etc/etcd/etcd.conf

sed -i "s/,http:\/\/"/etc/etcd/etcd.conf

sed -i "s/"/etc/kubernetes/apiserver

sed -i "s/--insecure-bind-address="/etc/kubernetes/apiserver

sed -i "s/--admission-control=NamespaceLifecycle,NamespaceExists,LimitRanger,SecurityContextDeny,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota/--admission_control=NamespaceLifecycle,NamespaceExists,LimitRanger,ResourceQuota/g"/etc/kubernetes/apiserver

sed -i "s/--hostname-override="/etc/kubernetes/kubelet

sed -i "s/"/etc/kubernetes/kubelet

sed -i "s/--address="/etc/kubernetes/kubelet

sed -i "s/"/etc/kubernetes/config

sed -i "s/"/etc/sysconfig/flanneld 

Modify host

vi /etc/hosts k8s_master 

Add network

systemctl enable etcd.service

systemctl start etcd.service

etcdctl mk // '{"Network":""}' 

Start service

service docker start 
for SERVICES in etcd kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler kube-proxy kubelet docker flanneld ;do systemctl restart $SERVICES; systemctl enable $SERVICES; systemctl status $SERVICES; done;

The first demo

Write file a.yaml

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 
kind: Deployment 
 name: my-app
 app: my-app
 containers:- name: my-app
 ports:- containerPort:80
 memory: 64Mi 

Write file b.yaml

apiVersion: v1 
kind: Service 
 name: my-app-svc
 app: my-app
 ports:- port:80
 type: NodePort
 app: my-app

Create service

kubectl create -f a.yaml --validate 
kubectl create -f b.yaml --validate 

Delete service

kubectl delete-f a.yaml 
kubectl delete-f b.yaml 

Add child nodes

install software

yum-config-manager --add-repo 
yum makecache fast 
yum -y install docker-engine-1.13.1 
yum install epel-release -y 
yum remove -y docker-engine* 
yum install -y kubernetes docker flannel 

Modify the configuration file ( is the main node ip, is the current node ip)

sed -i "s/--hostname-override="/etc/kubernetes/kubelet

sed -i "s/"/etc/kubernetes/kubelet

sed -i "s/--address="/etc/kubernetes/kubelet

sed -i "s/"/etc/kubernetes/config

sed -i "s/"/etc/sysconfig/flanneld

sed -i "s/--admission-control=NamespaceLifecycle,NamespaceExists,LimitRanger,SecurityContextDeny,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota/--admission_control=NamespaceLifecycle,NamespaceExists,LimitRanger,ResourceQuota/g"/etc/kubernetes/apiserver

Start service

service docker start

for SERVICES in kube-proxy kubelet docker flanneld;do 
 systemctl restart $SERVICES
 systemctl enable $SERVICES
 systemctl status $SERVICES

View nodes on the main server

kubectl get node 

Restart the service (rejoin the cluster)

systemctl restart kube-apiserver.service 

Delete node

kubectl delete node node ip

to sum up

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope that the content of this article has a certain reference value for your study or work. If you have any questions, you can leave a message and exchange. Thank you for your support to ZaLou.Cn.

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