Python simulation to realize the distribution of playing cards

The examples in this article share the specific code of python distributing playing cards for your reference. The specific content is as follows

52 Four playing cards are dealt to 4 players, each with 13 cards.


Automatically generate a poker deck; shuffle the cards; distribute the cards to the players; arrange the poker cards in the players' hands according to suit size.

Idea one

import random
import operator
def auto():
 poker=[]for i in['♥','♠','♦','♣']:for j in['A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K']:
  poker=[]return pokers
li={}for k in['player1','player2','player3','player4']:
 b=random.sample(poker,13)for s in b:

Idea two

import random
import time
n=1for i in A:for j in B:
  n=n+1print("Start shuffling....")
def xipai(x):for i in x:
 pokers.remove(i)return pokers
def fapai(y):for i in y:print(i[1],',',end=" ")
def paixu(z):for i in z:print(i[1],',',end=" ")
pokers=xipai(a)print("Start dealing cards to player1:\n")print(fapai(a))
pokers=xipai(b)print("Start dealing cards to player2:\n")print(fapai(b))
pokers=xipai(c)print("Start dealing cards to player3:\n")print(fapai(c))
pokers=xipai(d)print("Start dealing cards to player4:\n")print(fapai(d))


time.sleep(3)print("Player1's cards:\n")print(paixu(a))print("Player2's cards:\n")print(paixu(b))print("Player3's cards:\n")print(paixu(c))print("Player4's cards:\n")print(paixu(d))

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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