Python build pip.ini

For Windows system, paste the following line of code into python IDLE and press Enter to execute it, and pip.ini will be created automatically, and the pip source will default to Douban source.

import os ; ini ="[global]\nindex-url =\n"; pippath=os.environ["USERPROFILE"]+"\\pip\\";exec("if not os.path.exists(pippath):\n\tos.mkdir(pippath)");open(pippath+"/pip.ini","w+").write(ini)

Enter the directory in the terminal under Mac os system:

cd ~/

If the mac user's home directory does not have a .pip folder, then create this folder

mkdir .pip

Then create a new file in the .pip folder

vi pip.conf,

Edit the pip.conf file and write to Alibaba Cloud

[ global]
index-url =[install]

Or you can use the mirror image of Douban:

[ global]
index-url =

[ install]

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