C # UDP broadcast send / receive
The source code is the following round pakuri, which is the source code with comments.
IPEndPoint / UdpClient
- IPEndPoint
Endpoint (communication port) information (IP address / port number) - UdpClient
Things like a controller for various controls of UDP
Listen for requests from clients on port number 8888,
When a request is received, it returns a response to the source endpoint.
static void Main(string[] args)
var Server = new UdpClient(8888); //Generate UdpClient by specifying the listening port
var ResponseData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("SomeResponseData"); //Appropriate response data
while (true)
var ClientEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); //Client (communication partner) endpoint ClientEp creation (IP)/Port not specified)
var ClientRequestData = Server.Receive(ref ClientEp); //Packet reception from client, client endpoint information is entered in ClientEp
var ClientRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ClientRequestData);
Console.WriteLine("Recived {0} from {1}, sending response", ClientRequest, ClientEp.Address.ToString()); // ClientEp.Address: Client IP
Server.Send(ResponseData, ResponseData.Length, ClientEp); //Packet transmission to Client Ep containing client information
Broadcast the request to port number 8888 and
Wait for the response to come back to you.
static void Main(string[] args)
var Client = new UdpClient(); //Create UdpClient (port number is assigned appropriately)
var RequestData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Request"); //Appropriate request data
var ServerEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); //Server (communication partner) endpoint ServerEp creation (IP)/Port not specified)
Client.EnableBroadcast = true; //Broadcast enabled
Client.Send(RequestData, RequestData.Length, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, 8888)); //Broadcast to port 8888
//The person who received the transmitted data should have known the endpoint information of himself / herself (client).
//Wait for the packet to be sent to it
var ServerResponseData = Client.Receive(ref ServerEp); //Packet reception from the server, server endpoint information is entered in ServerEp
var ServerResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ServerResponseData);
// ServerEp.Address / ServerEp.IP of the server on Port/Get port number
Console.WriteLine("Recived {0} from {1}:{2}", ServerResponse, ServerEp.Address.ToString(), ServerEp.Port.ToString());