Introduce CentOS7 Email Catcher

1 minute read


–Summary of how to implement MailCatcher.

Implementation environment

–Hardware environment

item information
OS CentOS 7 (7.8.2003)
hardware Dell Studio 1537
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz
memory 4 GB DDR3
Graphics unknown


–The CentOS 7 PC must be built by the method below or according to the method below.
-Install Cent0S7 on your PC

Prerequisite information

–Unless otherwise specified, the command to be executed in this explanation shall be executed by making an ssh connection to the CentOS 7 PC.

Feeling after reading

–You can start MailCatcher and check it from your browser.


  1. Install Ruby
  2. Installation of used packages
  3. Install and launch MailCatcher
  4. Confirmation


  1. Install Ruby
  2. Execute the following command to install Ruby.

    $ sudo yum install ruby
  3. Installation of used packages
  4. Execute the following command to install ruby-devel.

    $ sudo yum install ruby-devel
  5. Execute the following command to install gcc -c ++.

    $ sudo yum install gcc-c++
  6. Execute the following command to install sqlite-devel.

    $ sudo yum install sqlite-devel
  7. Install and launch MailCatcher
  8. Execute the following command to install MailCatcher.

    $ gem install mailcatcher
  9. Execute the following command to start MailCatcher.

    $ mailcatcher
  10. Confirmation
  11. Access the following with a browser.
  12. Confirm that the following page is displayed.



-Send test email using MailCatcher with Laravel
-MailCatcher Official
-Email sending test using MAILCATCHER