Linq’s count () was too slow.
LINQ count is slow
I was doing paiza because I had too much free time, but there was a test case that timed out.
After fixing the part written in Linq, the test passed, so I investigated the speed.
Use a simple self-made function and LINQ count to count the number of elements above a certain number and measure the processing speed.
static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> inputs = new List<int>();
var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
int target = 1000;
int inputCount = 100000;
//Element injection
for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
//self made
int cnt1 = BigCount(inputs, target, inputCount);
TimeSpan time = sw.Elapsed;
Console.WriteLine("result(self made) /Element count:"+cnt1 +" /processing speed:"+ time);
int cnt2 = inputs.Count(m => m >= target);
TimeSpan time2 = sw.Elapsed;
Console.WriteLine("result(Linq) /Element count:" + cnt2 + " /processing speed:" + time2);
//Returns the number of elements greater than or equal to target
public static int BigCount(List<int> inputs, int target, int inputCount)
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
if (inputs[i] >= target)
return ret;
result(self made) /Element count:99000 /processing speed:00:00:00.0004307
result(Linq) /Element count:99000 /processing speed:00:00:00.0011384
There was a difference of about 3 times.
Since it is almost an error, you should use Linq, which is easy to read in practice!